Created mine [hider=Andrew Clarke] [b]Name[/b]: Andrew Clarke. [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Faction[/b]: Various Resistance Cells [b]Gender[/b]: Male (much to the surprise of some) [b]Appearance[/b]: Andrew is a man of average build and height, being 5’10. He grows his straw-coloured hair long to cover his face. This is actually due to his face being quite pretty and almost effeminate, to the point that he is well known in the resistance cells that he has joined, and is the butt of almost every “Is actually a girl” jokes. His skin is quite pale, being the sure mark of someone who hasn’t spent much time in the sun. He usually wears a black jacket over an orange t-shirt, with grey jeans. [b]Nationality[/b]: English [b]Personality[/b]: Andrew is extremely quiet and withdrawn, preferring not to talk to people unless he absolutely has to as part of his resistance work. If he does have to talk to people, he has a habit of stuttering and talking quite quietly, much to the irritation. This social awkwardness is even worse in the presence of women, where he cn barely speak at all, this does lead to some people finding his awkwardness endearing. However, when it comes to combat situations he seems to get his awkwardness under control, and almost becomes cheerful, even when bullets are zooming past his ears. People making fun of his features are a big annoyance for him, with him at one point drawing his gun on one of the more persistent tormentors. [b]Equipment[/b]: A New Order military issue M1911 pistol, given to him by a now destroyed resistance cell in return for commanding their forces during a skirmish with new order soldiers two years ago. He carries a silencer for it at all times. He also carries a small hipflask. He doesn’t share what is in said flask. [b]Skills[/b]: Although he is a decent shot with his sidearm, Andrew first appears to have little in the way of skills, not being strong, fast or skilled in combat. However, his one advantage is an extremely keen tactical mind, which he has honed every minute of every day through his entire career as a Resistance freelancer. It is because of this that he is passed between different cells to use his skills, therefore resulting in a man who doesn’t like to be kept in one place too long, partially due because he never makes or wants to make any friends. [b]History[/b]: Andrew never mentions his history and people generally know better than to ask. What has been found out so far however, that his father was a new order officer who was executed for “improper conduct” for a soldier and his mother spiralled into a depression, which resulted in her death from a heroin overdose when he was only thirteen. He then stayed underground for a few years, doing work for the lost until he joined the resistance cell known as “The red wolves”. His unlikely skill as a tactician came in useful while during this time, to the point that he got a lot of unwanted attention from other groups as well, not to mention the New Order themselves. So far, he has a bounty of half a million units on his head. [/hider]