[i][b]Kind of Interested, Just a Few Points I Want to Make Here:[/b][/i] [b]1.[/b] In Now Non-Canonical Sources, Luke Did Succeed in Reestablishing the Jedi Order, Basing in the Old Temple on Yavin 4. [b]2.[/b] After the Fall of the Old Republic, The Sith Lord Sidious, Aka Emperor Palpatine, Continued the Sith Tradition of "There Can Only Be Two". This is the Basis of the Sith after the Fall of the Sith Empire, that There Can Only Ever be Two at a Time: A Master and an Apprentice. [b]3.[/b] This is a Question I Have: Some Jedi, Such as Mace Windu and Mara Jade, Were Jedi In Tune with the Dark Side of The Force. Could that Somehow be Utilized as Part of This? [b]3a.[/b] This is What I Know about The Purple Lightsaber: It's Users are Former Sith Turned Jedi or Jedi Who Trained in the Dark Side. [i][b]Just a Little Nit Picky About This Kind of Thing, Seems Like a Neat Idea Though.[/b][/i]