[h2][b]Sin/Sebastian[/b][/h2] So, I've been wandering this city for some time, carrying the bull calf for a certain portion of that after he got tired and went to sleep. I'm not entirely certain, but contextual clues and a niggling sensation in the back of my head have me thinking this is the city of... Chicago? I believe that might be the case, anyway. I'm not certain of how I know this, but then, I'm not sure why I abruptly woke up in the middle of a library post-apocalypse either. No memories or anything, at that; I'm not even sure how the name "Chicago" has come to me when little else has. Which is odd, of course, but... An abrupt curse from nearby, apparently male, catches my attention. I quickly up my pace toward the nearest street corner, and... ah, another lone wanderer. It seems this one is armed too, unfortunately enough... yet, though I know it may not be the most logical decision, something tells me they won't kill me for my clothing. Maybe. I hope they won't, at least. Either way, I begin walking down the street towards them, bull calf in arms... ah, it is a man. And ah, that's a sword he's got a hold of. Now where does somebody get a sword in this day and age? I suppose I'll have to ask him once I get close enough, if he doesn't also want to rob me. I mean, I assume he'd hesitate about attacking a man with a defenseless young animal in his arms, right? I hope so... well, I'm about to find out, since I'm now fairly close to him. He's... scarred. Very heavily scarred. Covered in blood. And his clothes seem like they could be worn by a vagrant of some sort. Maybe I took a chance not worth taking... but his stance, his expression, and most notably his unnaturally golden eyes, all seem to speak of incredible suffering. As if he has taken upon himself a burden that is utterly unbearable by any other. I can't imagine what this burden might be, but nevertheless, I am convinced that he is a good man at heart. "Well met, sir. And might I ask what brings you to this location, with your, ah... physical state of being?" I gesture to the blood on his person, keeping my expression mild for the time being. [hider=OOC Footer] [@Jones Sparrow]. I had a whole post set up for Marduk too, but apparently, Xuan showed up before him, which I didn't notice. So... yeah. Big mess there. EDIT: And Wepwawet, at that. Crap. This is going to take time to sort out, huh. [/hider]