So, I will probably take on more characters than I previously stated. What I am focusing on is a wide collection of vampire types with plausible motivation for wanting to join a group of rabble rousers. I'm not sure if you guys are trying to keep your character types a secret, if so, I apologize for this, but I want people to talk it out more because it will help flush out ideas a bit better. So far the ideas approved or in discussion are: ratpire (controls/sees through rats), blood seer (uses blood to see into people's true selves), voice of authority/observation (the perfect cop), shadow melder (controls shadows), an artist with Mesmer abilities, and some we are still talking out like a vampire hating vampire, and a diseased vampire and a biochemist vampire (I kind of want to figure out a way to make your stories combined, I think these could fill a niche of people with powers over other people's physical selves as opposed to mental, but I need to talk it out with y'all and I don't want to force you into anything. I want everyone to love their character!). Don't be sad if we talked and I forgot to add you in. There is a bit on my plate at the moment. We have talked about so many awesome ideas. I know some people are chatting with Hellis and some are still chatting with me. No rush, I really want you to make a character that you want to play!