[hider=Suleykaar Sahqon Diiv] [b]Name:[/b]Suleykaar Sahqon Diiv (Sulley for short) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Year[/b]: 3rd [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Red Dragon [b]Physical Description[/b]: [hider=Human Form][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/7d/86/ff7d86f26c73f768b2fdfcb46e304f2a.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=True Form][img]http://www.artofmtg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Tarox-Bladewing-Art.jpg[/img] In length he is close to 100ft and stands about 15ft in height with a massive wingspan. His body is slender and serpent like yet has a medium build like many European dragon lores. His scales are of a deep crimson red with the faintest amount of shine to it, allowing for near stealth movement in the night. His claws are beyond razor sharp as well as his teeth. Mostly what the picture (taken just before hell had broken loose on that specific castle) Is what identifies Suleykaar with who he is. [/hider] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: Sulley stands at an impressive 6'5” at about 230lbs with quite an athletic build. His skin has a slight crimson tinge to it although not very noticeable unless one is specifically concentrating on it. However, his eyes are of a mix color that blend in nicely together. A crimson base highlighted by dark gold while around the eyes are slightly scaly. His hair is a mixture of red and black along with the small goatee that he has and usually remains long and straight though at times he will put it in a ponytail. When he smiles, despite being in human form, remains his razor sharp teeth but are condensed to appear to have a human's jaw structure. His skin is sort o rough despite its smooth appearance and his hands which are quite rough. His nails are of onyx color and have a sharp point to them. He usually wears suits (without coat and tie) however he will also sometimes wear jeans and t-shirts but not often. [b]Personality[/b]: Despite the reputation his race, more specifically, the [i]kind[/i]of dragon he is, Sulley is much calmer than his relatives by remaining indifferent or hiding behind a stoic posture in situations in order to keep the piece. However, he still has a somewhat pompous attitude due to his dragon lineage and may on occasion show this through his tone of voice or mannerisms. He generally is a very kind person to those who deserve it and will do what it takes to make sure that they are safe and secure be it, emotionally, financially or otherwise. When angered, he may lash out violently and with extreme prejudice. Those caught in his wake he shows no regrets as he will originally warn those around the intended target to move or deal with the consequences that follow. Mostly however, he may belittle them or spit a small fireball at them as a warning (growling is usually first reaction before things escalate). [b]Hobbies[/b]: Music, anything exerting energy and reading books. [b]Familiar[/b]: Inland Taipan named [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-b38-Y-XfTy8/UQgmTEv-oAI/AAAAAAAABgg/hSvGkYtGo1U/s1600/inland_taipan.jpg]Kingpin[/url] Usually Kingpin remains under Sulley's shirt or in his shirt sleeve, remaining close to the natural heat he gives off. [b]Extra[/b]: He is a bit of a smoker and has been seen chain smoking packs before. His favorite brands are Marlboro, Nat Shermans and Lucky Strikes. He knows how to play some strings but is most talented in guitar, cello and violin while only having a basic understanding of others. He singing abilities are in between intermediate and advanced while most of his skill leaned towards metal and its variants in which he utilizes his natural abilities such as lung capacity and strength. A few times he thought about trying to go pro but those thoughts faded over time. He does enjoy to fly around in either form, despite what they would teach as far as being discreet. [/hider] [hider=Samantha Silvertooth] [b]Name:[/b] Samantha Wolfenstein [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Year[/b]: 3 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Lycanthrope [b]Physical Description[/b]: [hider=Sammy's Human form][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/c204/i/2008/351/9/3/inquizitive_by_thetragictruth_of_me.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Lycan Form][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Siberian_Husky_bi-eyed_Flickr.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: Sammy stands at 5'10" With a beautifully kept body with curves in all the right places. She has quite a hefty bust as well, sitting at a perky and impressive high DD. However, despite her beautiful figure she has multiple cuts and bite marks on her body but the most prominent is that that runs along her cheek an across her neck, which she will lash out if it's brought up in conversation. She usually wears short brown boots and blue denim jeans with a long sleeve shirt and a shirtless hoodie. On her body she has many tattoos mostly depicting packs of wolves and broken cages with some tats reads: "[i]The time is now, To stand up tall, All for one, And one for all[/i]" and "[i]This is the wolf pack, Brothers and sisters from the start, Nothing and no one can tear this apart[/i]" However, she has one tattoo on her neck that seemed to be scratched out but still fairly visable that reads "[i]We are the Wolfpack, You are never alone, Wolves hunt together, And not on their own[/i] [b]Personality[/b]: Sammy comes across as that bad girl tomboy believing she can do whatever a male can do. Quick to pick a fight and will talk down to anyone who pisses her off which for her is quite easy. She will also mark her territory anyway possible; fighting, killing, seduction or using more, "animal" like methods. She hates many species and her kind is high on the list depending on their relations to past "issues". Despite all of this, she is quite fragile due to her violent past and only truly wishes to be cared for and loved. She also has a slightly heavy German accent. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Running, hunting, fighting [b]Familiar[/b]: White Wolf named [url=http://needleinthehay.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/got_wallpaper__ghost_by_mcnealy-d504dlp.jpg]Ghost[/url] [b]Extra[/b]: Drinker. Listens to a lot of heavy metal and will blast it despite what people say. [/hider]