[center][h2][color=9e0b0f][b]Suleykaar Sahqon Diiv[/b][/color][/h2][/center] A black limo had begun its way down the long road which lead to the academy. White flags rested on either side of the hood with the [url=http://image.spreadshirt.com/image-server/v1/compositions/15622808/views/1,width=280,height=280,appearanceId=70.png/fire-dragon-crest-designer-tee_design.png]crest of the Diiv family[/url] flapping in the wind. "Sir, we have arrived at Rosa Claire Academy." The driver looked in the rear view mirror into the smoked filled back of the car. There, sat a figure with his legs crossed and his arms behind his head as he looked out the window towards the castle, his red and gold eyes reflecting off the glass as a cigarette came to his mouth. a red light was the sign that the master had lit another cigarette. [color=red]"Finally. Thought we would never arrive. Pretty long trip wouldn't you say, Anders?"[/color] A chuckle came from the front seat as he gave a toothy smirk from the driver's response. "Probably should have flown here then, sir." [color=red]"No, it would have been a boring flight. No one to talk to, plus I'd have to carry all my things by myself."[/color] "Oh yes, sooo much for you to carry all by your lonesome, two small suitcases and a duffle bag. Much to heavy." [color=red]"Shut up."[/color] This caused the driver to laugh aloud, causing the teen to frown and take another long drag from his smoke. The driver had exited the car and made his way around to the young master, opening the door and gesturing him to step out. A wall of smoke dispersed from the inside outward, momentarily shielding them from view before quickly being whisked away by a gentle breeze. The boy's hair moved with the wind with its on freedom, occasionally pushing some hair in front of his eyes. He adorned a casual style suit; black shoes, grey slacks, black shirt and a grey vest, his family's crest stitched into the upper right side. A long black trench coat rested on his shoulders being held there simply by a silver chain connect just below the neck as a snake's head poked out of his collar. The lining of it an almost crimson color. He walked to the back of the limo and opened the trunk, removing his belongings from the back. "Is there anything else I can help you with sir?" [color=red]"No. This will be fine. I can go the rest of the way myself, thank you very much."[/color] Anders bowed and made his way to the driver's side as the young boy grabbed his belongings and made his way to the door before being stopped one more time by his driver. "Oh, Sulley?" [color=red]"Yes Anders?"[/color] "Be safe." A small smile passed over him. [color=red]"I will."[/color] And with that, Anders gave him a finally wave and a nod before hopping back into the limo and driving off. Suleykaar looked up at the castle and took in its features and design. Impressive was his thought. Very well built that showed class and sophistication. He sighed as he made his way up to the entrance and walked in, off to find his room. [i][color=red]'This will be interesting.'[/color][/i] He did not know if he would be the only dragon in the academy but he wouldn't worry about it, he would rather meet other creatures in the academy.