[img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20140222/brunettes%20women%20eyes%20models%20oasis%20gray%20eyes%20faces%20photo%20manipulation%20black%20hair%20poli%20oasis%20designer_wallpaperswa.com_13.jpg[/img] Name: McKayla Rae Race: Shifter Clan: Lakshme Symbol: Snake Gender: Female Abilities: The Lakshme family believe the snake is their patron animal. They are one of the strongest shifting families alive and are the only family that can take on human forms as well as animals, shedding their old skin like a snake if they wish. The Lakshme family believed that they started off as normal Shifters and evolved into something more when the human threat grew where others of their kind did not. This gives them a bit of a superiority complex. In order to take on the form of another human, McKayla has to have hair and something personal of theirs that contains great meaning to the person in question. She also have to have an intimate knowledge of the person, for this reason Kayla tends to be extremely perceptive and good at reading people... getting in their heads. Her kind can only hold the form so long as they have those things in their possession and on their person... they cannot take on the form at will without them. History: Kayla is the last of her family line, her family was wiped out by Skinwalkers. Kayla can take on the form of another human and it is like looking in a mirror, she becomes a doppleganger to a living person.... but a Skinwalker steals the person's existence, their identity and actually walks about in their skin. Skinwalkers were once shifters who became dopplegangers and killed the one they mimiced to retain the form. A skinwalker can become anyone they've been before at will because they claimed the person's existence. Shifting into another being is addictive, holding a form too long can cause you to become stuck. There is a theory that this is what happened to werewolves. Their ancestors preferred the form of wolves so much that they lost the ability to transform into anything else and because of the addiction running in their blood the moon forces the change. So, for this reason Kayla does not shift into another person unless there is a need... the more you do it the closer you are to becoming addicted and becoming a Skinwalker.