[center][h1][color=ed1c24]~ Kiara ~[/color][/h1][/center] Perspehone flitted up from her palm and perched on Kiki's shoulder before she turned around to greet her new roommate. She'd never shared a room with someone before, being the only child of a highborn faerie. At the moment, her guard was down, and so was her rather undependable glamour. When Kiara turned to see Laurel, she was shocked at how [i]human[/i] she looked. Cat-like, but human - the only real tell that she was supernatural was her soundless movement. Wanting to make a show of solidarity, Kiki put up her spotty glamour, managing to mask her wings and ghoulish grey skin, but her sharp teeth remained. "Hello Laurel, I'm Kiara, or KiKi, whichever you like better. And this --" she gestured to the bat on her shoulder, "is my companion Persephone. I named her after one of the cool sounding humanfolk goddesses of the underworld." Kiki balled her fists up in front of her chest excitedly "How delightfully spooky!" Despite her dark, unseelie appearance, Kiara had an endearing youthful spunk to her. "Speaking of humanfolk, are you a cat-person?" Kiki took a shot in the dark at guessing Laurel's race, it might be considered rude, but Unseelie faes have [i]never[/i] been known for their politeness. Kiara then turned her relatively short attention span to the hyena, cocking her head curiously at it. Hyena's didn't exist in the faerie realm, and Kiara wasn't yet allowed to travel to Earth to discover other animals. "And what are you, dear Güzel? Where are you from?" Kiki squatted down and addressed the hyena directly with a bright smile, hoping that the faerie ability to communicate with all living creatures spanned across realms.