[hider=Finished]Name: Lanius Miyata Age: 27 Faction (if any): : Freelance assassin. Has worked for The Lost and as well as several resistance groups. Gender: Male Appearance: [hider= Lanius][img]http://i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj553/ZU1990/MarcusVega_zpse6a183f5.png[/img][/hider] [hider=when working][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7c/23/78/7c237885778cedfbc3bd8b70058b0433.jpg[/img][/hider] For the second image take away the kneepads and shinpads as well as the backpack. Nationality: Half French, half Japanese Personality: no nonsense type of guy. Loves listening into people's conversations. Very charismatic and good at bartering. Morality wise he tends to be good bad guy. Good in the sense he is willing to fight for the people. But bad in the sense that he works for The Lost and various other criminal and resistance groups. If a large scale fight was coming he would whole heartedly agree to fight for them. Equipment: working as a contract killer has allowed him to get a good selection of equipment. One of them being a submachine gun that is quite popular in the underworld. The [url=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pyghOqpD3rs/maxresdefault.jpg]weapon[/url] being based off of the old world kalashnikov. His main weapon of choice being a [url=http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/44006-1-1316769663.jpg] sniper rifle[/url] that he built himself made from parts of other rifles. If need be he carries a [url=https://lauraburgessmarketing.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/training-grip-5.jpg] derringer[/url] as a last resort weapon. Skills: Since he is a contract assassin some of the skills he has learned are marksmanship, lockpicking, hand to hand combat, as well as cqc, jury rigging and bartering. History: Lanius's childhood was pretty bland. He looked up to the New Order and thought they were the coolest. He wanted to join them when he was old enough. As he got older he started to realize that the New Order wasn't all that good and they were quite corrupt. He wound up joining a small resistance cell. He lended his services for a few years till he came back one day and found that the bse had been massacred by The New Order. After waiting a few hours to make sure nobody was inside their building he decided to take a look. Inside he saw all the dead bodies of his comrades. It seemed that they had been caught at one of the worst times and were easily overwhelmed. He gathered several items and left the building. After that he made a small name for himself as a assassin for hire. Other: [/hider]