[h3][color=lightsteelblue]Niall[/color][/h3] [hr][hr] As Niall stood looking at the woman, the Head Mistress, as she addressed all the students standing out in the courtyard. There were hundreds of people out and about in the court yard. Suddenly the woman was gone in a flash of light and smoke and the next thing he knew he was being accosted by what appeared to be a rather large German Shepherd. The large dog was more excited than threatening, clearly proud he had found Niall. He circled Niall with his tail up, dominant so the dog was rather undisciplined by whomever kept the creature. Niall's warm eyes flashed a brilliant yellow just as a young female Lycan approached rather easily. At first he was quite sure she must be an heir like himself as she grabbed ahold of the dog. When she seemed to get a whiff of him however the dog's behavior made perfect sense. She must have been an omega in her pack. He quickly settled the wolf down, pushing it back and making his eyes return to their human color. She apologized easily and profusely once she grabbed ahold of the dog. "[color=lightsteelblue]He isn't a bother to me, in skin or fur. It's alright truly, a rank has no matter here. I am as free of my duties as you are of yours. This is the only time and place we can be free.[/color]" Niall spoke easily, like he spoke to his pack when they addressed him formally. He bowed low from his tall height, sweeping a leg back behind him as he did so that the movement was more fluid. From his much less imposing position he reached out to touch the dog, watching the creature with bright yellow eyes intently. His muscles were flexed and rippled beneath his tan skin and the various tattoos that cross it.