((I apologize in advanced if Shigetoshi's personality changes this is the new normal for him.)) Shigetoshi froze as Tatsuki held out a covered apple slice. The innkeeper eyes the offered food warily. He knew Tatsuki couldn't mean anything by it. Couldn't because Shigetoshi had decided that Tatsuki was just oblivious. Anyways he had promised himself that he would stay distant and not do anything stupid like falling for his guest anymore. "I.." Shigetoshi still eyed the offending piece of food. "I'm full." He finally managed. Shigetoshi grabbed his plate and hurried back to the kitchen. There he pinched himself hard. Fool. He was supposed to be a professional, yet a smile and a gesture was all it took to throw all that out the window. He carefully scraped the food off his plate and squirreled it away to eat later. He couldn't waste anything. When that was done the young man washed the dishes and hesitantly poked his head back out into the dinning room. He hoped that Tatsuki was gone so he could return and continue his duties. [i]Coward[/i] He mentally berated himself.