Alo let out an angry "You what?" After getting bumped into by a slightly more muscular individual. He watched as they made their way into his room. It seems his moment of solace was interrupted by his hasty post it note reading. He would, apparently, have a room mate. He stood for a moment, regaining his composture as he prepared to introduce himself. He made his way back to the room, rubbing his eye as he entered. "Alright lad?" He spoke taking his place back on his bed. "So you're my roommate are you? One question there, mate do you follow the footie?" He asked, making small talk as muh as he hated it. "It's not so popular here in the states, but I swear on my mums life if you support [i]Hearts[/i] we'll come to hands" He half joked, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the Hibs tattoo adorned on his arm. "I'm Alo, by the way"