Jezz I go away for awhile and this RP comes alive...-____-' as I said Ariamis, I do feel like a jinx. But about before, this was another idea I had for a character before I tried using the "siblings" but there were possibly some issues with it that you may have with it. Plus, it's darker than the siblings I put together. But anyways, here: Name: Ariel Ashford Age: 21 Race: Human/Griffin Half-breed (half-Raven) Gear: A Dagger. A custom-made leather purse with a long strap to either sling over her shoulder or tie around her waist with. Usually holds coins or other forms of "light" weight currency. Skills: Being a half-breed, she doesn't have the level of power to control the weather like many other Griffins do but she does know how to manipulate rain and lightning from clouds. Major storms and other large-scale weather patterns are out of her league. She does know how to use a Dagger, Knives and certain light-weight swords in combination with her flight, speed and agility but only has average combat ability with them. She also has some skills as a thief to compensate such as pickpocketing, disarming, lock picking and related thief skills. PhysicalDescription: Face claim: Vika from Fire Emblem series. Ariel stands 5'6". Personality: Due to being looked down on most of her life due to being a half-breed as well as her lack of "drive" to fight in battles like most Griffins do, Ariel has developed a rather shy personality. However, roughing it on her own has also developed a wild streak when she's pushed over the edge in tense situations. Usually to the point where signs of the Griffin's war-like persona begin to show, making her a rather intimidating individual when it does happen. History: If you were to ask Ariel if her life was hell, she'd say that "hell" has nothing on her life. Being that half-breeds were always shunned and looked down upon in society in Evania, Ariel didn't exactly have a place to call home either in the sky where the Giffins or even on the ground with Humans and Dijinn. Simply abandoned in a forest somewhere, she grew up a lonely existance. Learing to hide her wings through cloaks and other clothing, she quickly learned how to steal through pickpocketing and other methods just to stay alive. But even just learning to exist was rough. One day however, she robbed the wrong individual when said individual was apart of a local group of thieves. Taking her in, they soon discovered her wings when stipped searched and, to punish her, sold her to slavery for money/gold. Ariel was subjected to things that even she didn't want to talk about. Even more so, she doesn't say for how long. But one day, that all changed when one of the slave traders thought it'd be fun to cut off her wings. Despite being tied up and despite the number of armed individuals, she somehow broke loose, grabbed a lightweight sword by sheer luck from one of the slavers and that was the first time Ariel had embraced the warlike tenacity of the Griffin race. When she finally became self-aware, she saw the bloodshed she had left in her wake. Some of the bodies even looked charred as if struck by lighting. Even the other slaves were shocked and even they were a mix of the three races. Despite this horror she then set the other slaves free and simply said this. "Your free but since I'm a half-breed, I don't deserve any of your "thank you's"." The massacre didn't go unnoticed however, as men under Kaaos's banner soon happen upon the site but Ariel and the other slaves were long gone. What Ariel didn't know was that one of the slaver's was under the employ of Kaaos, planted there as a spy to make sure the slavers didn't get any foolish idea's of using their slaves to raise their own army. The spy was the only survivor but had quickly escaped during Ariel's rampage and reported what had happened when Kaaos's men arrived on sight. It's said that Kaaos himself "sometimes" has vested interest in strong warriors regardless of race and hopes to recruit such warriors. To make them choose between the old tradition of "the sword or the knee". Ariel, however, wants nothing to do with such people, having to deal with them most of her life so when she hears Kaaos himself had placed a "capture alive" bounty on her, she immedately goes into hiding. But one day, she happens to be in a certain town when an unknown individual hands her a letter that could change her fate forever... Other: Ariel has a unique ability to "fold" her wings inwards against her back in such a way that it looks as if she's a normal human. It's through this that's she's able to walk amonst normal society so long as she wears clothing that covers her back. * * * * * * * * * * Also had some villians in mind but one thing at a time. Do you think I should have submitted this one if there were some things I needed to change?