[center][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext144780013872306_zps19b2ujwe.png[/IMG][/center] [quote=@NeutralNexus] [color=0054a6]“The Armory should be a level up, and a few more hallways down. You wanna get in on this?”[/color] War-Pulse asked, ripping the arm off of another tall mechanoid only to impale it in the chest with the appendage. [color=0054a6]"I'd hate to have all the fun to myself!" [/color] [/quote] Angel grinned, and set off down the hallway, right behind him, the two metal suits causing the floor to shake as they sprinted past the unconscious and injured guards, as well as the destroyed machines. The two remaining robots, Angel didn't bother taking control of, and simply caused their central processing systems to explode, making the machines get destroyed beyond the possibility of repair. Rocketing down the hallway, Angel rode the robot until they came to where they would be (approximately) right below the Armory. Skidding to a halt, Angel looked at War-Pulse, and said, [color=Cyan]"We're right below the armory. I think you know what happens next."[/color] Jumping off of one robot, he commanded the other to jump into the air, and moving the other robot directly below, and making it lock its arms, Angel launched the second robot at the ceiling. The robots' arm servos groaned, and sparks flew from the joints, but the robot flew directly at the solid concrete roof. With a sound like a cannon going off, the robotic shell crashed through the concrete barrier, causing dust to fall upon all directly below. Through the hole, Angel could see the robot arc through the air, and eventually land somewhere he couldn't see. However, there was a massive [i]THUD[/i] and a [i]BOOM[/i] and a wave of fire rolled over the hole. Wincing, Angel jumped up on the back of the robotic suit, and commanded it to pull itself through the hole. Emerging into the armory, Angel was surprised by the lack of security. This was probably because the massive room, about 2000 square feet, was covered in debris and soot, generating from a pile of twisted metal and ash, which he surmised was a pile of ordinance that S.T.R.I.K.E. was storing in the armory. However, the ATD, [i]his[/i] suit, was perfectly fine, standing tall, both middle digits on each hand proudly stuck out. Jumping off the back of the robot, Angel caused its motivators to explode, a relatively small explosion, compared to what had happened there a few moments ago. Running at full tilt towards his robot, Angel worked on booting it up, and opening the cockpit. They had little time left, and they couldn't waste it here, in this room, behind a bulkhead.