Figured I'd Make My Character First, For Examination and Example: [u][b]Jedi[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Kelen Rolin [b]Rank:[/b] Knight [b]Personality:[/b] Kelen isn't your average Jedi Knight. He Prefers to Employ Unorthodox Tactics as a Jedi, Tending to Use a Blaster as Often as His Lightsabers. His Tactics are Genius but Crazy at the Same Time, Many Comparing Them to the Strategies of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. He's an Ace Pilot, Skilled Mechanic, and Brilliant Tactician. His Troopers Would Follow Him to the Ends of the Earth. [b]Legion Commanding:[/b] 286th Legion [b]Clone Commanding Officer:[/b] CC-7501 "Commander Bronze" [b]Lightsaber:[/b] Combining Lightsabers, One Blue One Green. [u][b]Some Backstory and Info:[/b][/u] [b]-Kelen Was Promoted to Knight at Age 15, Mastering his Combination Lightsaber Technique By 16, And Recieving Command of the 286th By 18. -CC-7501, Commander Bronze, has about as interesting a background as Rolin. He is a Veteran of the First Battle of the Clone Wars, Geonosis, Where His Unit Gained the Name of Hailfire Squad for Destroying the Most Hailfire Droids in that Battle. He Has a Cybernetic Right Arm Due to a Confrontation With Cyborg Droid General Grevious. He Carries Dual DC-17 Silenced Pistols, But Prefers the Company of His Z-6 Rotary Cannon.[/b]