Before Evelyn could even prepare to cast her spell, Ruinil had already unleashed a volley of arrows onto the cultists. Fire engulfed the battlefield as those who didn't flee were eventually slain in the fiery arena. There would not be many survivors, this much Evelyn knew as she watched the survivors dash past her as cultists tried to follow only to be either cut down by her blade or Ruinil's arrows. [color=fff79a][i]"Gods give me strength"[/i][/color], Evelyn whispered to herself before preparing the spell. A small ball of light formed in her hand, small branches of electricity darted out from the mote of light which grew bigger and brighter with each passing second until the light hide her hands entirely. In a fraction of a second Evelyn heard nothing, there was no sound only pure silence as everything seemed to be frozen before she unleashed the power arc lightening which grasped the first row of cultists. The enemys' bodies thrashed violently before hopping to the next group leaving behind a charred corpse, Evelyn kept up the spell sending a continuous surge or electricity through the ranks of the enemy. As each moment passed she could feel her magicka reserves depleting before it converted her life essence to magicka. She was getting weaker by the second as her ability to keep up the spell began to dwindle, her body felt weak and she knew that if she kept this up she'd join the numerous dead at Starguard. With no other choice she put one last burst of energy into the spell before breaking away and signaling for her squad to retreat to the forest. There were still some cultists left standing and Evelyn could only hope her companions could evade them for she had strength left to aid them. As she approached the forest edge, Evelyn looked back once more at the ongoing battle at Starguard. The sound of swords clashing, men dying, fires burning, and walls crumbling echoed across the land. Just as she was about to look away she was cursed with a sight she'd never forget as long as she lived. Black wings carrying evil flew across the night sky, with it green fire spewed forth, bathing the hall of the conclave in green hellfire. The result was an explosion destroying the upper keep and scattering its stones across Starguard. Screams could be heard and the fires of war scattered and quickly filled the keep. It was then that Starguard fell, the last of its defenders were all slain and the enemy now took control of the beacon of order across Miras.