Heliose tensed as the girl went for her weapon, first going to one side as if it was meant to be there, but no longer was, the body reacting to instinct and habit, before going for the weapon on the other side. Heloise held her own gun, but didn't expect this to be a gun fight. Why would it? The girl clearly needed some sort of help. As the pistol fell, Heloise dove to the side, away from the barrel just in case the safety was off. How careless could the girl be? But then, Heloise saw that the girl appeared to have some sort of disability with her arm, as well as her leg. What the hell was she doing out here, by herself? What the hell was Heloise doing, seeking the help her? She couldn't just walk away, she knew that. She clambered back up as the girl picked up the gun, agile for all her disabilities. Heloise watched her warily, unsure if she could trust anyone anymore. Sighing though, she saw that the girl would be cold, so she unwound the scarf, and shrugging off her pack, got out her spare jacket. Silently, she held both out to the girl, figuring even if the jacket did fit well, it would still provide warmth. And she didn't think the girl was in any position to reject them right then. Heloise, seeing that the girl was studying her, studying the girl as well. She seemed to be of some sort of...Russian decent? Maybe, she thought. Brushing back her hair, Heloise revealed her scared and blind eye, deciding to simply let the girl see that she wasn't complete either. Even if it was a small thing, Heloise thought it might show the girl that you can live with an injury, and become stronger for it. The girl could need it. Anyone would. Plus, why suffer vanity at the end of the world? "It's fine, after everything, I think we can all be jumpy" she said in response to the girls statement, "take the clothes. Let's not stay out here long talking. There are bad things out here, and I don't like the feeling out here right now" Heloise spoke softly, not wanting her voice to carry. She glanced about warily, her gun held comfortably in her hand, "keep your gun out. Anything that looks wrong coming at you, shoot. Don't hesitate. If you do, you're dead" she said, again speaking softly as she looked for a good place to talk, to discuss things. The girl seemed to have more injuries and problems then Heloise was aware of, as it seemed she was having difficulty speaking as well. No, Heloisd couldn't leave this girl lost and confused as she seemed to be, and so very vulnerable with her weaknesses right then. "I'm Heloise. Pleasure to meet you Zornitss. Pity it isn't in better circumstances. Come on. This house looks empty." She said, nodding towards a house that did seem abandoned, the door open, various items were spread across the lawn, a suit case split open. Heloise didn't want to think why that was. "the world has gone to hell" she approached the house carefully, banging on the door frame, and leaned against the wall, listening. When noticing reacted, not that that was any indication, Heloise stepped inside. "Stay outside while I clear. No offense, but right now, I think I'm more nimble then you. Remember, shoot anything that looks wrong. That includes humans" Without waiting for an answer, Heloise headed inside the house, checking each room as she went, switching her gun for her sword. No sense pulling more of the ghouls on if there was only one or two. It didn't take Heloise long to clear the house, and as she glanced outside into the back garden, saw the freshly turned earth, and knew someone was buried there. Hopefully dead dead. Returning to Zornitsa, it couldn't have been more then five minutes since she had entered the house. "Come in. There's no one here. Let's go through the house first and see if we can find anything useful to us. I doubt the occupants are coming back" she realized how she sounded, and she sighed. Had it only been eleven days? Unable to explain why this was necessary, Heloise just turned back into the house, not expecting to find much, as it did seem to already be ransacked. Still, she dutifully checked kitchen cupboards, not finding anything of use, and sighing, checked the fridge. Anything in there was long off, of course, but she saw what she desperately wanted and needed, water. Those small bottles of water, all unopened. There was, at a quick count, ten. She hesitated, figuring that was about 6 liters. Could she carry all that, and the three she had already? Still, she couldn't just leave them. Taking them out the fridge, she returned to the living room, kicking the fridge door shut on her way. She set them on the coffee table, and called out, "Zornitsa?" She hoped that the girl was still here, hoped that she hadn't decided to flee, hadn't decided that Heloise was a manic, breaking into a persons home. If she had, Heloise knew she'd have to chase after her, or let her die out there. And Heloise didn't know if she could live with that knowledge "please say you are still here" there was a waver in her voice. She didn't want to be alone again. Already, Heloise craved the sound of Zornitsa's voice, simply because it was something other then silence, but also that human nature need to...be with someone, to not be alone. It had been 11 days, alone, maybe with the occasional contact. Although...four times, and she hadn't interacted with them long. Too much distrust, too much hurry to get anywhere, anywhere that wasn't were they were. She should be use to being alone. But, even being homeschooled she got the interaction of her tutor, of people when she went to the store with her mother, and the bookstore. The bookstore, her little slice of heaven. She missed it. Then there had been college. She had been doing well there, had bad friends. So she wanted human companionship. She needed it, she realized, or she would just break. She would just relieve ever bad thing in her life, she would relive every time she had to kill to survive until she became a monster worse then the ghouls and other things out there. She couldn't let that happen.