Name: Jason Je'and Rank: Knight Personality: Calm, focused, but not untouched by the things that happen around him. Prone to what other Jedi call "Dark Side outbursts," meaning he's more likely to let emotion influence a decision than other Jedi. Skills: Master with his chosen saber and combat styles, well versed in hand to hand combat without his saber, strategic thinker but adaptable on the fly Master (If Padawan): N/A Legion Commanding: 302nd Legion Clone Commanding Officer: CC-2964 "Hammer" Lightsaber: Long-handled Saber with a silver blade, hilt is made from Phrik Backstory and other info: Jason was brought into the order at the age of eight and made a Knight by the time he was 18, mastering his chosen lightsaber and combat forms by the time he was 21 and 22 respectively [hr] Hammer is known as a survivor of ground zero for the beginning of the Clone Wars, taking over after his previous commander was killed in action. He prefers to use DC-15x Sniper rifle for long range combat and twin DC-17s pistols for close combat, though he also carries a vibro knife for when he can't pull his pistols fast enough. In combat, he's serious and no nonsense, but otherwise, he's fairly light hearted. [hr] How's this look?