Yasmine's pace remained steady as she trekked through the dust and debris. Her legs, bare thanks to her frayed shorts, were coated in a fine layer of dirt and the occasional pebble would slip into her sandals. Despite this, Yasmine felt no need to rest as she easily balanced and leapt over and around chunks of concrete. The cat, ever at the lead, would glance back once or twice at the woman. It's eyes remained narrowed with an almost intelligent gleam in them, as if saying, “Are you still following?” A sudden explosion of gunfire rang through the air, bringing both cat and girl to a halt. Yasmine's mouth went dry as her eyes scanned the surrounding area. She had been hoping to find some sort of sign of human life, but not like this. Not with a possible bullet through her skull. The gunfire had sounded like it came from off in the distant left. Far enough to prove no current threat, but close enough to be future trouble. The cat stared in the direction of the shots, it's ears flicking tensely and its tail hanging low. It stood so still that if a person were to pass by, they would assume it was a statue. Then, without warning, the cat raced away...towards the gunfire. Yasmine's eyes widened with alarm and confusion as her guide sped towards danger. Weren't they supposed to go [i]away[/i] from the danger?! She muttered a swear before running after. It was a stupid idea, no doubt, but she felt a connection with the animal. She wanted--no, [i]needed[/i] to protect it, even if it meant running towards a lead-filled death. The sistrum rattled as Yasmine hurried after her runaway companion. The dust and rocks bothered her no more as her legs moved gracefully across the land. Yasmine slowed as the cat vanished into some ruins. Her chest felt like it was on fire, and the ache in her legs from walking and running was starting to get to her. She walked through the ruins, her body rigid with caution. Debris hidden the shadows provided monster like forms in the dark, adding to the ruin's already creepy aura. The stench of copper mixed with what could only be a dead rat's stink, clouding the air. Yasmine leaned against the wall, only to recoil in disgust as something sticky made contact with her skin. "The hell...?" she muttered, glancing at her arm. She froze as she saw a thick coat of red where she had made contact with the wall. All at once, the real details of her surroundings snapped into place. Blood on the walls. Death in the air. And the debris in the darkness...that wasn't debris. They were corpses. The woman's stomach clenched in revulsion. [i]Oh gods...I need to get out before--[/i] Before she could turn, a brown blur sped past her legs. The cat! It was alright! Yasmine's relief was short lived as a skeleton emerged, trailing behind the cat. Well, not a real skeleton at least. But with the skull face paint and the bloody hand, on could easily make the assumption. Yasmine stared at the woman and tightened the grip on her sistrum. "Well...this is a surprise," Yasmine greeted, struggling to keep her voice steady. Her fists clenched, ready to fight if needed. "Who are you?" [@Argetlam350]