[u][b]The Empire of Anvegad[/b][/u] [u][b]Apologies, Reparation, and Admonition[/b][/u] After a private conference, the Empire of Survaek admitted and apologized for the accidental destruction of the ANV Venom on its departure from Honneria to avoid involvement in the war. Anvegad officials accepted the apology and the reparations for the destroyer's destruction. Military officials present at the meeting accept the situation of mistakes in identification, and propose joint-training and officer exchange exercises to avoid future incidents of this nature. Put simply, neither side of the alliance has worked together signficantly despite signing of formal joint-defense pacts, and it would be best to ensure our troops can one day stand side by side if neccessary. Anvegad dispatches military officials to meet with Generals of Survaek with offers of an exchange of professional troops and officers for an equal number of Survaek officers, with the intent of comparing doctrines, tactics, and equipment to determine best practices and learn from Survaek's recent military experiences. [u][b]Black Gold Fever![/b][/u] With the discovery of oil on Anvegad soil, thousands of prospectors rush to tap the fields of black gold on the Empire's western border. The oil fields are filled with prospectors and investigators and drillers from big and small companies seeking the riches beneath the Earth. In the midst of this tumult, one businessman rises above the rest. From humble beginnings and through ruthless yet effective business practices, Emir Tarkon has crushed or bought out several world-be prospectors and began establishing a central "Tarkon Energy" company for oil production for the state. Though his tactics are ruthless and his treatment of his works criticized, even his detractors admit where he works oil production rises and the number of well explosions fall dramatically. The Ministry of Economics has reportedly even sent a special attendant to learn from him and record his methods. "I'm not here to run a family business. I'm here to make money and keep the oil flowing. So I work my employees hard and ride their asses on every mistake, but you know how many mining explosions and drill accidents I had? Zero. How many deaths on my watch? Zero. If they aren't happy with living, they can go work for another prospector. Go ask some of my ex-employees how they feel about that. Oh wait, they blew themselves up with their own crappy TNT. Who the hell cuts corners on explosives? Not me. Not ever. I want my employees working, not dead." -Emir Tarkon, explaining his business practices after buying out the White Pick prospector coalition. [u][b]Designs for the Orient[/b][/u] The Ministries of Economics and War have declared the next phase of Anvegad colonial expansion to be centered around Farasia, with intent of cultural and economic outreach to the peoples of the orients to bring them into the light of modern Anvegad. Already colonies have begun to be set up in Farasia to turn its resources and people to the advancement of the Empire. Various critics worry that the rise in conflict in the region may bring the Empire into war on distant soil, but the expansion of the Soldier-colonist bills to bring in more former military personnel to the colonies as militia and reserves to colonial farms and mines is deemed presently sufficient along with current garrison plans, although these may be pending review as further colonization sites are being chosen. [u][b]OUTRAGE IN SARELIA![/b][/u] Tensions between Zellonia and Sumaya are reaching fever-pitch as conflict seems about to erupt from the distant islands. Chairman Volkov denounces the Empire of Zellonia for rapidly escalating the situation to open conflict, and for threatening a major trading partner of the Anvegad Empire. In response, Chairman Volkov and Fleet Admiral Yeoh have ordered the destroyers ANV Lance, Mace, and the heavy cruiser Steadfast along with a complement of 5,000 troops from the Regular army with a battery of field artillery to reinforce the colonial garrison at Fort Camber and to send a message that Anvegad will not permit its colonies or its trade in the region to be threatened by outside powers. Word on actual intervention into conflict is yet to be given pending still ongoing discussion with Sumoya, but the amount of firepower moving to be stationed at the colony is considerable at now four destroyers, one light cruiser, and a heavy cruiser flagship dedicated to protecting local Anvegad shipping and colonial assets. It is hoped that their mere presence is enough to deter further escalation of conflict.