[@Roundabout] Kaaos claims to have united the three races in peace, but while it may outwardly seem like so with the end of the war and public hate crimes, in truth there is lingering animosity and racism under the surface, cultivated by the racial segregation set by Kaaos. The most apparent sign of this is the racial insults used freely by the people of Evania: mudlings and sandsuckers by griffins, turkeys and spooks by humans, and carrion and apes by djinns. Most cities and settlements have a mostly mono-race population with few xenos, but the port town the RP begins in, Myrskyburg, is a settlement with a 50% human, 30% griffin and 20% djinn population. Due to this, it is one of the most violent and lawless settlements inhabited mostly by sailors and pirates. The positive side to the city is that Kaaos doesn't have a strong presence on the place despite flying his banners and colors, but it also doesn't get much support from the kingdom, as Annelie has realized while serving her duty there.