[quote=@Baklava] [@Scrapula] Ah-- you're totally right. I completely forgot that map already came with a scale... We should probably just stick with that then. I'm fairly certain the average person can travel about 25-35 miles in a day depending on terrain and how frequently they stop. I wouldn't know, though. I teleport everywhere I go... being a power ranger in real life and all.... [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/63bf945882040df2a4267b2750e7e002/tumblr_mhhi5qbkxJ1s1popdo1_500.gif[/img] [/quote] Not trying to be contrary, but I think its more like 20-25 miles a day. Unless they are really fit and active, then 25-35 is feasible. Teleportation is overrated. Beam me up, Scotty [img]http://cdn.zmescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/beamtransporter.jpg[/img]