Are you trying to tell me the average person ISN'T fit and active? ...says the American. I'm getting my facts off of internet forums. Like I said, I don't do the walking thing. Regardless, I would expect this group to be fit and active based on their back stories. I would also expect people in this sort of world to be more experienced with traveling and a bit more active as well. Even so-- 20-35 might be more accurate. [h2]Anyways--[/h2] the first post is up! Rowena will not have met with any of them yet. She was waiting until they were all there... for reasons. There has been nothing of note going on in the Academy for the past couple days, but the dreams have persisted. The inside of the school has many corridors and classrooms. There are many different places to explore (that are standard to such a place)-- such as, but not limited to, a library, kitchen, art gallery, and lounge. There are also several inns in town if your characters didn't have other living arrangements in place. The roleplay is beginning just as Leon enters the city. I would prefer for the characters not to have met with each other just yet. The school is filled with students and teachers of varying ages-- it's a very busy place, so it would be easy not to run into one another. Like I said before, the characters from Diedremere may recognize each other, though I would discourage any of them being bff's.