[h1][color=Crimson] Oliver [/color][/h1] The man’s handshake had been firm, and surprisingly rough, and when he stood up, he’d towered a good five inches over Oliver. Luckily, he seemed friendly enough, but Oliver was under no illusions, his roommate could probably tear him limb from limb in mere seconds, like most Cryptids. Oliver was starting to realise that this place could be more dangerous than he’d anticipated, and for wholly different reasons than those he’d expected. Alice would probably be okay, she was quite powerful for a made vampire, although inexperienced, but until Oliver gained his full powers, he’d have to watch his back. Oliver watched as the man lit a cigarette, tendrils of smoke curling and twisting past his hand before being sucked through the open window by the breeze. He’d always found smoking to be oddly poetic, and it was an act that seemed to fit the tall and ever so slightly intimidating Suleykaar Sahqon Diiv like a glove. Oliver considered the man’s considered the question carefully, it seemed fairly innocuous, but he could never be too careful, so he decided to keep his answer vague, “Recently, I’ve been… travelling with a friend,” his smile was thin, and he seemed to be doing a better job than earlier at covering up his nerves, “but I grew up in my father’s country house in Yorkshire, and I spent a lot of time at a boarding school in Germany, I also kind of half lived in London, my father’s a banker, all of which probably makes me sound like a bit of a posh idiot,” this kind of general information and mild self-deprecation was easy, and Oliver found himself relaxing a bit as he got into the flow of conversation, “ but I promise you I’ve never played lacrosse in my life, and I’ve only ever drunk tea out of a mug, and even then only with about fifteen sugars.” He chuckled slightly at his own joke, before moving on, “Anyway, what about you?” he thought for a moment about the man’s accent, which seemed familiar, “You sound a touch Scottish, am I right?”