Saw the interest thread to this, but was a bit to late, so I figured I'd apply here instead. ID Number: CS-1313 Nickname: 'Lucky' Rank: Clone Sergeant (CS) Legion: 286th Legion Personality: When around his commanding officers, he is very militaristic, acting in line with the 'model soldier' persona. This puts him at the butt of quite a few jokes regarding this from the others. When he's with those of his rank, and sometimes lower, he is more light-hearted, taking part in jokes, games, and other activities. In the field, he tends to rely more on his gut than tactics, giving him his nickname, as his gut has gotten him out of more than a few bad positions, but also tends to put him at the receiving end of reprimands from his commanding officers. His nickname also stems from his ID number, as 13 is regarded as a rather unlucky number in many human societies. Weaponry: DC-15s Blaster Rifle, DC-17 Pistol Jedi General: Kelen Rolin