[hr][h1][i]Commander Shepherd.[/i][/h1][hr] Alice closed her eyes, then opened them again somewhere else. Well not exactly. She was still in the same room, just six feet to the south and standing. Standing… She looked down, curious which form her power had granted her this time. She was slowly learning how to control it, but even so she seemed to have little control over the forms that she could generate. This one was new, and her least favourite so far as her curious gaze revealed an immodest, scantily clad body, covered by only the barest pretence of armour, though she was grateful for the long ribbon that wrapped about this form. Deep purple, it criss-crossed her body and wrapped around and down each arm to end in two long, gleaming blades. Alabaster. Though she had been distracted by the blades for a moment, it didn’t last long, and she soon realised she was barely dressed. Alabaster blushed, even though there was no one to see her. She was far more scantily clad than she had ever been before and she briefly considered taking clothes from the closet before realising that they clearly wouldn’t fit her well over six foot form. This form was an almost identical replica of the hero in game, she really hoped she couldn’t get sued for copyright infringement over this. She looked back to herself under the covers, apparently blissfully asleep, and totally unmoving save for the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath. It was strange, an out of body experience without death. She looked around the room a little more, it looked like any other girls room, barring the wheel chair and the mass of pill containers on the bedside table. She felt a sudden flash of anger at the weakness of the girl before her, and swept the pills onto the floor. There was a plastic clatter, and she felt herself flicker, her vision fading out and back in as her real body moved restlessly in bed. Knowing staying here couldn’t be good Alabaster turned to the window and slid it soundlessly open, then, without looking back, flung herself silently out into the night… --- She had simply run, she didn’t care where, simply glorying in the pure freedom that running felt like now. Though this was a huge difference to how she had been even before the wheelchair. This form certainly came with its advantages, she reasoned, as she leapt the fourteen foot gap between buildings, landing without even breaking stride and continuing to run. She wasn’t tired, not even slightly, and she had a co-ordination she couldn’t even dream of in her ungainly form, maybe it was something to do with this form being a construct of her mind, but it meant she could do everything that the character Alabaster could do and more. She screeched to a sudden halt, in her wild flight across the rooftops she hadn’t realised exactly just how far she was going, and suddenly there were no more roofs, only a sheer drop off the edge of the edge. It was only a few stories, but still a lot farther than any human could drop and survive intact. Alabaster stepped off. She fell straight down, the air rushing past strangely muted through this forms senses, and then she flung out one arm, the blade carrying the ribbon forward and out to spin around the railing of the building. The falling, glowing figure suddenly jerked to the right and swung out from the building, nearing ground level at increasing speed, but not such an oblique angle. An apparently effortless flick of the wrist loosened the ribbon from its hold at the same time as the white skinned, beribboned figure hit the ground running… Straight into a warzone, she had arrived at the beach and skidded across what was suddenly glass instead of sand. She stopped beside a girl she vaguely recognised and stared dumbly at the scene of chaos that had greeted her.