Yeah. The model I was thinking was something like: [b]Harlan[/b] Emilie: Alright, he wishes that she didn't take up all of the daytime guards, since most of the time the nightshift falls to him. Other than that, he's relatively content with her as a companion and trusts her to be stable. Andrew: Too impulsive for Harlan's tastes. Usually people like him in his old life lead to arrests. In this life it leads to deaths. He can sympathize with trying to kick a habit, but his annoyance with him carries over plainly. Mary: Harlan is fond of her. Her patience with her husband astounds him to no end and agrees with trying to find a safe place to begin to rebuild. Likes working with her when cooking. Brandon: He trusts the man implicitly, but finds his sense of humor rather off putting, especially when he tried it while Harlan was tapering off his addictions. He's gotten more used to it these days. Admires him for his sense of family. Hayden: Harlan likes conversing with the girl whenever he's not busy. It's refreshing for him to interact with somebody her age that isn't looking to get high too, a thing that has helped with his sobriety. Likes working with her when he has to maintain the camp. Evelyn: Likes working with her. He doesn't honestly know about her personality much since she keeps to herself, but he has noticed before that they have similar areas of expertise, so in some ways she's a kindred spirit. Likes working with her if scavenging. Harry: Digs the whole anger thing a bit much. A lot more tolerable than Andrew and Harlan doesn't mind hanging around him, but he can't stand his temper when he gets in a mood. Hunter: Harlan personally likes it when they work together. He's rational and calm for the most part and that helps him deals with situations when they come up. If he has to work on guard he prefers to work with Hunter. Jimmy: The kid is hard to talk to. Harlan likes him a fair amount, but it is weird to hold conversations with him some times. He prefers to work with him while scouting.