"Okay, hurry back," he called out as she left, then turned back to his wolf. As the meat was roasting over the flame he started reminiscing about his days in the village, it was something he had grown accustomed to as there was very little to do when roasting meat like that. "Huh," he said to himself, "bathtime," and he began to remember what it had like back then. On bath day all the kids in the village would go to the spring and splash around together. Then the parents would cone and help their kids get clean, everyone looked forward to it. He laughed a little as he remembered a tip he took with his mother to a nearby village on bath day. When he arrived at the house he was staying at he had assumed there was a group bath in a spring just like his village, but he quickly found out otherwise and was told most places don't Have a group bath. He laughed a little more as he realized just how silly he had been and then started taking the meat off and preparing it.