[i][color=3EA055]Ma'am?[/color][/i] Invari was shocked to hear such pleasantries, a brief dropping of her smile revealing this before it settled easily back into its place; some genuine pleasure at the idea of being referred to by such a pleasant title...though it wasn't long before she grasped that the girl before her was merely being courteous...something rather rare for the Beastkin to experience, let alone be the direct object of. She allowed her smile to widen, showing teeth as blunt and large as tombstones (comparitively, of course) and shook her head quietly, taking her hand away from the Stone of Nine...somewhat embarassed about how she'd been gently pawing at it. [color=3EA055]"Sorry,"[/color] she paused for a moment, cupping one of her hands over the other and looking down (not on the human, but directly at the ground), [color=3EA055]"I can't think of seeing anyone like that...at least, not recently."[/color] Invari searched her memory as words issued from the diminutive one before her. Anger, unfounded and impetuous, flared in her for a moment; though she did her best to keep the smile on her face, it faltered briefly, her brows furrowing before she could fight off the urge. [color=3EA055]"People have tried,"[/color] she said almost-easily, swallowing quietly to override the discomforting thought of losing her most precious imitation metals, [color=3EA055]"but you're right...a lot of 'em just don't believe me when I tell 'em that these aren't worth a fly's fart...let alone what they look like they're worth. Telling them my name and my story don't help a whole lot, either..."[/color] she trailed off, for a moment, casting a glance skyward, [color=3EA055]"because most people...er...make that all people, have no idea who in the hells I am."[/color] Invari rolled the thought of being attacked in a church over in her mind...a sour purse on her lips before she bit down on the lower one, gently. [color=3EA055]"It's sad what people have come to, if what you said is true. My ma always told me that one of the best places to find refuge was a church...'Maybe not the best for salvation...that comes from within, but the temple-tenders and altar-bound are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.',"[/color] she paused, scratching at her head, rustling her ears and lightly running a finger along the rings there, [color=3EA055]"...it's terrible to think that bandits, brigands or outright bastards would take advantage of something like that."[/color] The bovine Beastkin felt an overwhelming urge to apologize for the ne'er-do-wells that had accosted the traveler before her, but stuffed it down; remembering the bits of advice she'd heard about being too forthcoming or trusting with anyone on the road. [color=3EA055]"Thanks for the warning,"[/color] she cast a glance behind her, at the tree-line, just to make a show of taking the woman's advice, [color=3EA055]"this armor is really precious to me...my name is Invari, it's nice to meet you! Uh..."[/color] She was suddenly excited, meeting the human's gaze for the first time since their conversation had begun; though her eyes did show a small amount of trepidation...perhaps confusion. Her voice was louder than she'd intended, a near-boom that echoed through rustling leaves and the gentle breeze. Her face colored reflexively, as she finally took note of the others that had come to view the Stone. [color=3EA055]"Wh-what's your name?"[/color] She folded her hands again, though, this time, she let them rest against her left hip, finally regaining her conversational sensibilities. [i]Elsewhere, but STILL relatively close by.[/i] Elise laughed, perhaps too loudly, though to most it would still sound musical. She lifted a hand to cover her mouth, tears welling in the corners of her eyes. For a long moment, she didn't stop; giggling to herself as the man introduced and lauded himself in the same breath. She had to give it to him, the man had spirit; reminding her, in a distant way, about some of her old friends. [color=FBDB0C]"Had I want or need of a guide, Mister Error, I would certainly spare the coin for one so lively as yourself,"[/color] she cast a quick glance over his form, noting small cuts and the like wounds; much expected from being tossed forcefully through a window, [color=FBDB0C]"unfortunately, for you, I have no such need, today."[/color] The Silver Glint thought for a moment, taking a few easy steps around the man and cast her gaze down the relatively short path that lead to the Stone of Nine; making no effort to shield herself from observation. [color=FBDB0C]"I know exactly where I intend to head and, from there on out, I assure you that I am more than capable of handling my own affairs."[/color] Her ears twitched, lightly, at the distant sound of rushing flames and what seemed suspiciously like a scream-cut-short. Perhaps all was not so peaceful in Oakheim, this day. Though distant, she did believe that someone had used their magic to thwart...someone. The details weren't terribly relevant to her, but the ACT was; given that she could detect the faint scent of seared flesh and burning hair, even from this distance. Thankfully, her curiosity could be sated; given that the source of the noise and scent seemed to come from along the path she wished to tread. [color=FBDB0C]"However, Dylante,"[/color] Elise opted for the less formal approach, relaxing a little and turning to face him, again, her icy eyes possessed of a tiny twinkle of mischief, [color=FBDB0C]"I could use someone to accompany me on my small pilgrimage to the Stone of Nine."[/color] She patted a bag hidden under her cloak lovingly. [color=FBDB0C]"It's about time I left another offering for the Heroes..."[/color] adjusting her hood, she continued, [color=FBDB0C]"though everyone knows that the Heroes don't often stop by to gather the trinkets or tokens left behind for them. Usually bandits or the desperate tend to sneak out there at night and take whatever appears most appealing."[/color] Elise dug around in a pocket, briefly, producing a wooden disk, inlaid with a golden Essian Mare and tossed it deftly to the 'guide'. [color=FBDB0C]"I would most appreciate the company on the walk. Though, I may ask more of you by the time we reach our destination."[/color] She had already resumed walking, stepping gingerly onto the right path and allowing her fluid stride to carry her forward; not much minding whether or not the man chose to follow her. If he turned away, that was fine, perhaps the window could be more easily paid for, that way. If he did, mister Dylante Error would get to witness an interesting twist of Fate. Elise spoke to herself, though aloud, [color=FBDB0C]"Oakheim has changed much, in recent years...given the troubles of the outside world,"[/color] she folded her arms across her chest, [color=FBDB0C]"though not so much as places like Essia, or Tri-King's Castle, or even somewhere so sequestered as Stonebrook. It seems that the legacy left by the Nine Heroes has drawn an interesting crowd to this place,"[/color] she turned and shot a glance back at Dylante, [color=FBDB0C]"and I suppose you're one of those among this 'interesting crowd'."[/color]