Percy had been on autopilot for the past little while, just tailing the train like he was told to. He'd be getting what would be highway hypnosis, if only there was a highway. Only when Jingo had mentioned there was a hostile on the horizon did he snap out of it. [color=d3d3d3]"Shit, hang on.."[/color] Percy mumbled as he straightened himself up more in the seat, trying to ready his weapons. He couldn't do it through the connection he had with the NC, so he just used the switches with the slightly-damaged label "weapon safety", flicking them all off. There was no guard to detach, but there was a [i]click[/i] to show that they are in fact ready to blow opponents out of the water.. Or.. the sand, technically speaking. [color=fff79a]"NC334B-7, Bloody Champ, vacate the train's exclusion zone or I will have to remove you by force, Wessex, over." [/color] Percy went to add to Jingo's threat, but the Champ made its motives evident before he could get his word in. Percy dodged out of the way of the stray missiles that didn't get got by the train's defenses, and before the train-conductor could tell him to get his ass in gear, he went in for the attack, firing his own missiles at the hostile NC - ba-ba-boom. [color=d3d3d3][i]Two can play that game, god damn it.[/i][/color] Percy was shaking from the sudden adrenaline rush and, in his jacked up haze, he pushed the button on his dash that turned on his microphone to finally speak, [color=d3d3d3]"I'm [i]way[/i] too tired to deal with this shit right now, so why don't you just go home and [i]fuck off[/i], huh? Live and let live.. Or whatever the saying is."[/color]