RP: None [hider=Vivika Falkenrath][color=gray][center][img]http://bdmanmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/amber-heard-8.jpg[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Name/Alias:[/color] [indent] Vivika Falkenrath[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Age:[/color] [indent]|67|23|[/indent] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/c433690e379886b17cca59528b72a87a/tumblr_nrjpt3ZGee1uvputto2_400.gif[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Strengths:[/color] [indent]Telekinesis:[/indent] [indent][indent]Vivika is able to move objects with her mind as long as she can see them and it is not heavier than her own body.[/indent][/indent] [indent]Mirror Witch[/indent] [indent][indent]Vivika is able to manipulate what appears in mirrors, reflect another’s powers off the mirror surface, and store and retrieve items in mirrors. However, she cannot conjure a mirror out of nothing.[/indent][/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Weakness:[/color] [indent]Binding Vivika’s eyes will prevent her from using her telekinesis; if distracted, Vivika can lose control of her telekinesis and be unable to move an object By destroying the mirror that Vivika is focusing her powers on, Vivika will be unable to recollect items from that mirror or use it to reflect items;[/indent] [center][img] https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbyi2mb0ye1r8rx02o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Motivations:[/color] [indent]Vivika is motivated out of her love for Peter and Emily, wanting to create a safe world in Charleston for them and their families to live in. She is, admittedly, also motivated slightly out of resentment for what her vampire sire has done to her.[/indent] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/bb9795c4ec100921996f1e5f07e8f72e/tumblr_mqi3dwOtPe1rlh2v4o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]History:[/color] [indent] Vivika was born in Berlin, Germany on February 13th, 1948 – a year before the end of World War II – to Cecania and Hans Falkenrath. A year later, the Soviet Union took over and one year old Vivika became a citizen of East Germany. Vivika hated the communistic country she grew up in, as did her family. Several times the Falkenrath family tried to leave East Germany, but they were either stopped or something came up, causing them to stay. Vivika was only thirteen when the Berlin wall went up over two weeks; as a last ditch effort, they attempted to flee once more at night. In the process, Hans Falkenrath, Vivika’s father, was shot and killed. With just Vivika and her mother, they received less food before even then and their hatred for the government of East Germany increased. In 1963, at the age of fifteen, Vivika finally successfully escaped East Berlin by crawling through the sewers; unfortunately, she lost her mother in the process. From West Berlin, she flew to America in hopes of starting anew. In hopes of integrating more easily into American culture, Vivika practiced an American accent and took on the name Odessa Falk. She lied, pretending to be eighteen, and made contacts in order to forge documents; she lived in squalor, taking to gross apartments and hotel rooms. When she was sixteen, working as a waitress, she met a housewife by the name of Susan Wells. Susan Wells discovered Vivika’s secret heritage and took her to social services in order to help her, after being registered under her real name again, Vivika was adopted by Susan Wells and met her new brother and sister, Peter (4) and Emily (2). Vivika was enrolled and school and lived a happy life, even upon graduation. After graduating, Vivika continued to live with Susan while she went to college. In college, she met Scott Turner. He was a sweet boy working to be a lawyer from a rich and powerful family while Vivika wished to get a degree in journalism. They dated for awhile and on Vivika’s twenty-third birthday, he proposed to her. Overjoyed to become husband and wife, Vivika and Scott planned their wedding with the fervor that only young sweethearts can muster. However, Scott’s family didn’t approve of Vivika, especially because of her German background, and attempted to sway Scott to leave Vivika. Of course, Scott was young and stubborn, refusing to leave Vivika’s side and Vivika was selfish, not wanting to give up Scott to his family. The Turner family’s close friend, Elijah Berling, learned of the situation and, whether it be out of a kinship with the elder Turners or more so out of fun, he lured the unsuspecting Vivika to his house in Cainhoy Peninsula and turned Vivika. Vivika, learning of her new nature, knew she had to break it off with Scott and severed ties with Susan, Peter, and Emily, though she looked out for them through time. Scott eventually married someone else and had a daughter, named Olivia. Elijah, prone to bursts of anger, abused Vivika emotionally and physically; in 1981, Elijah enthralled Scott, forcing him to kill his wife and Olivia in front of Vivika, emotionally destroying her. Now, Vivika acts as an enforcer under Elijah, dealing mostly as a bodyguard, though sometimes she is sent out as an assassin. Vivika watches over Peter and Emily (now in their fifties) actively, keeping it a secret from Elijah out of fear that he’ll kill them like Olivia and Scott.[/indent] [center][img] http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82r45TMcv1ql2gms.gif[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Connections:[/color] [indent]Elijah Berling (sire): an influential vampire in Cainhoy Peninsula with sadistic tendencies Peter Wells: adopted brother, 55, married to a woman named Sarah with three children and a granddaughter named Odessa Emily Peterson: adopted sister, 53, widow of Jack Peterson, one son who was diagnosed with leukemia[/indent] [center][img] http://media.giphy.com/media/u3799KYqJedzO/giphy.gif[/img][/center][/color][/hider]