[h1][center]The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1903[/center][/h1] [h1][center]Kalpian News[/center][/h1] The goverment is not happy with that happened in Erimarsh , neither are the citizens of Kalpia , even if they supported the "Glorious Kalpia" movement what they called for was nationalism love for the motherland not to go againts our authorities , the goverment is neither happy or angry , but they can understand the thing that the soldiers and general had in his mind, In words of our own president :[i]"Maybe the shadow on Kalpia has decreased but we are same , we dont care if other nation thinks that we have changed but we really want that our people gets stronger and undestand the current situation of our nation , we are alligned with the Sociatatem because we value how they see freedom and the rightfull treatment to the citizens in every country , because we want to maintain peace and make our nation stronger to protect others that are not , so the great tragedies of the past dont repeat again"[/i]-President of Kalpia Arthur Wolfgang. While the goverment was busy dealing with the Erimarsh situation sending officials and diplomats , a new crisis has started in Sarelia between the Monarchy of Zellonia and the Sumaya Kingdom , in this situation the goverment has called for a peace conference to solve the tensions in the border between Zellonia and Sumaya. While the goverment dont know every detail about the problems we expect that both countries involved in tensions give us all the information they can so we can reach a peacful solution to the problems they are suffering , while as a Sociatatem nation we look for the peace , we also look for the security of our citizens in Verkas a as we will try to not fail them again . In other news the goverment has made several orders for rifles and artillery , to fullfill the needs of the army in terms of security for the nation , "[i]the best rifles and artillery that can be provided will be provided for the army in order to assure the might of our nation and the protection of its citizens[/i]" says the High Chief of the army Othmar Frej. New companies in Kalpia has started to look for resources in the Sarelian Islands and in Faresia a thing that if succed will provide to Kalpia new space for its colonist and more resources to fuel the industry and the army . [i]Mistburn in 1903 , reflecting the wealth and power that the Kalpian citizens possess[/i] [img]http://www.kunstkopie.at/kunst/akg/pics//akg5-b1-c1905-2.jpg[/img] Lastly with the new inventions and the new century arriving new companies have rised to make the innovation in Kalpia more present , as for Armin Hartmut Wirnhier we has made a new invent with strange capabilities a thing that he calls "EWSS"(Early Warning Ship System) using the discoveries that Kasimir Poldi Haase made about radio waves that are invisible to the human eye, the company involved "KLP" a company specializated in invents has said that the artifact can be used as a early warning system for shipping so the a port can know if there a ship arriving or leaving , the invent is still not finished at maybe it wont be finished until decades but this is one of the inventions that need their time.