[center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PMnpaUn.png[/IMG] Name: Lyna St. Pellier [b]Theme:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUZqixlZ0Ek]Character Theme[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSRYC6mnYMw]Battle Theme[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Doniaeth; vampire [b]Persona:[/b] Pleasant, amiable, and enthusiastic, with a dash of sarcasm, Lyna is the friendly neighbor down the street. She is hardworking and passionate about her work, but not to the point where her hobby itself consumes her. Even so, she always seems to be busy running her enterprise by herself where she sells her high-quality weapons and technology. When she is not indulging herself in her hobbies, Lyna can quite lazy to the point where things can become ridiculous. She refuses to do things that are not absolutely necessary. If one had a look at some of the things she made, it would almost seem as if she worked hard to be lazy, or as she puts it, “to create efficient, time-saving innovations for the betterment of mankind.” Although one might think otherwise, Lyna is not a person that dwells on the past. She always tries to moves forward with an optimistic outlook on things, no matter how much something might seem to put a damper on life. Indeed, she seems to be more fascinated by the effects of the hemoplague than she is mortified of it. [b]Equipment: [/b] Swiss Hunting Rifle– “I don't have a bottle opener, but I have a gun.” By all appearances, this wooden firearm is an antique from the early days of Donian gunsmithing. The look and feel of the weapon harkens back to the days where guns held more finesse, while packing quite the modern punch. Nearly every single part of this weapon is handcrafted and fitted with the most modern luxuries available to the enterprising Donian inventor. It even has a built in clock and a bottle opener, perfect for sitting back and having a beer while picking people off from kilometers away. If handled by a skilled marksman, this well-crafted gun can effectively hit a target up to three kilometers, more, if augmented by external forces. With the addition of a bayonet, it can be used in nearly all ranges of combat. It has enough force to punch through all but the thickest of metal armor, and has a magazine of five rounds. [b]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/b] Manu Artificum Ever since Lyna was young, she displayed an extraordinary talent at any skill of the hand that requires fine precision to execute. If something requires fine motor skills, she can do it. Talents such as clock-making, gunsmithing, lockpicking, and marksmanship come naturally to her. While she naturally cannot do things she hasn’t learned to do, it would only be a matter of time for her to be able to master something that would fall under the scope of her ability. As an accomplished artisan, she one of the more well known engineers in Doniaeth and even a few of the top brass wield some of her creations. The Enterprising Inventor Ideas, designs, stories, and all sorts of things tumble from Lyna’s creative consciousness. She loves to create, develop, and come forth with solutions, and many of these things [i]work[/i]. Her ideas are not as grand as some of the engineering geniuses in the Donian nation; she prefers to work to improve on given concepts or existing technology instead of pioneering cutting edge giant death robots. Her fighting strength predominantly centers around defense and reciprocating attacks via all the things that she spins together. With devices such as deflector shields, "bombs" that can warp and fold space, and precision guided weapons that can fold and fit into the space of a coat pocket, and her magical ability, she is a force not to be trifled with. Magic is Science There exists an odd type of magic that is not constrained within normal categorization of magic. This particular type manipulates vectors, and a person who is perform this magic can take anything airborne or on the ground, stationary or otherwise, and have it change direction or accelerate on a whim. Lyna is competent in this to the extent that she is capable of controlling vectors within a 30 meter radius around her via short incantations of one or two words. She likes manipulating vectors in conjunction with her technology, often using to make a course correction of an object or multiply the speed and orientation of a projectile for maximum damage. She can track and manipulate up to seven objects at a time; anything more than that would be beyond her mental and physical capabilities. [b]Post Example:[/b] “Destroyed?” Lyna’s brilliant yellow eyes glided over the army colonel that had appeared in her small office. The middle aged man was flanked by two familiar-looking guardsmen, as was customary for visitors in this part of the quarantine zone. He was well-dressed but seemed a bit flustered and was sweating nervously as he waved around a dull, bladed weapon. He was incoherently ranting to nobody in particular, but she felt worried for the two guards who were inconspicuously backing away from the animated officer. Leaning forward on her desk, she snatched the weapon away from the man with a clap of her hands on the flat side of the weapon. Surprisingly enough that calmed him down a bit. “Could you repeat that please? I’m not sure what you particularly want.” asked Lyna, as diplomatically as possible. The colonel checked his behavior, self-consciously straightening the hem of his jacket as he repeated his argument in a more acceptable manner. The young vampire looked over the weapon as the man repeated his earlier statements. The weapon was indeed one of her creations, a ceremonial officer’s sword commissioned by the man before her. She had forged it in her own furnace not a fortnight before, but it looked nothing like it was when she had given it to the courier for delivery. It was bent thirty degrees to one side and it was so dinged that it looked like it was salvaged from a scrapyard. She set the hunk of scrap metal down on her desk as he continued his prearranged speech. “As I was saying, I was forced to block another blow from a Kaien golem, and the sword bent back… It was really a misfortunate event.” Lyna was a bit taken aback. The way the man acted it seemed like he’d damaged his sword killing a puppy or something of a similar manner. She could not see how the man was so embarrassed that he’d damaged his new sword defending against a golem; in fact, she was surprised the man was still alive after such an encounter. Nonetheless, she could see why he would be so flustered; completely destroying an expensive weapon right after receiving it was not exactly a happy occasion. “Misfortunate? Not all. You’re a lucky man to be alive after exchanging blows so directly with a golem, colonel. You should have received a medal for merely escaped unscathed. Tell you what; I’ll make you a new one. Don’t bother with compensation, think of it as the medal you should have been awarded.” [/center]