[@Denalz] Aboslutely, and you can post before I collab as well. Post as you need. Abigail is around 12:17pm timewise. Also, don't worry about your character, "usefulness to the plot" isn't quite relevant here, it's more a collection of stories told through the eyes of various [u]suvivors[/u], meaning they are the ones meant to make it, if you so choose. =) Dramatic entrance like Abigail raiding a grocery store and having a small family of ghouls wander out of the back rooms? She's not exactly a fighter, more of a survivor. An David swooping in like an action hero and kicking some undead ass (Hoss Delgado status)? Or perhaps a band of less than friendly survivors trying to rob her, and David could use either wit or charm to fend them off? (Something like "Hey, the others are on their way." or something super witty like that to get her out of that situation.) Otherwise, shoot me your ideas. I'm mean to my characters anyways =P Edit: Shit, haha my bad. I'll wait a bit.