[@The ghost in black] And so things had changed, the situation had been altered considerably, so that Jonathan had been actually surprised. He looked up towards the cloud-guider, who hovered over him. He stopped his movement, and allowed himself to put himself at rest. How surprising that she had not had any true hostility, and wished to extend her hand to partake in some sort of cordial behavior. Rather, it was expected that she would wish to take her powers to her limit, and test the extend to which she could partake in expending her destructive power. Heroes were always the ones who preached of pacifism and love, and yet their turbulent nature led them to seek the opposite, as heroes always seek lovers whose lives lead to turbulence and who always seek to fight any that they are allowed to fight. Cloud-guider would be like that eventually, as she, like all heroes, embraced the deprecating practice of protecting the weak. It was the strong who ruled, and the weak should willing die for the strong. The cloud-guider should accept the reality of the universe, but heroes always had tried to subvert natural law. The Cloud-Guider had said that her name was Aleksandra. She had gotten quite close to him, and did have any guard up. Yet it was not necessary for her to have her guard up, for beings such as them did not need it. He could feel just how similar the two of them were, and yet they were fundamentally different. They were all fundamentally different. Jonathan would give all the due that was necessary to give a being which was like him, but he did not see her as an equal. No, he could not see anyone who was not quite like him as an equal. "My name is Jonathan," he said. "That was my first name. It remains so at the moment, and yet that name is unfit for the road of glory. You will need a new name as well in order to realize that inside, and yet I know you will not."