[color=0072bc]"Well, damn,"[/color] Freya breathed in a strange lovechild between a sigh and a laugh, [color=0072bc]"Well, if y'see 'im, don't tell him I'm lookin' for 'im. Th'inn-keeper told me to surprise him. Just mayb' send'im this way; I gotta loiter 'round here til I see him. Lady said 'e was slow, so I'm pretty sure I got here before 'im. But, Like... Jus'incase, y'know?"[/color] She shrugged, deciding to lean on the rock- careful to not lean on the carvings- so she could look at the beastkin without straining her neck. Invari's grinning confused her quietly- there wasn't much of anything Freya felt she'd done to warrant anything like that, besides not stealing stuff. Raised in an area where beastkin were valued for their strength and how helpful they were to agriculture, she'd learned to treat them for respect- and, though she was well-wandered, she had no idea how rare that was, exactly, and figured that most people wouldn't "be stupid". [color=0072bc]"Yup. Shit-thieves are pretty much just made from shit. Dun' care 'bout who y'are, dun care 'bout what y'got... They just take it. Fuckin' insult to the art of thievin'..."[/color] She shook her head, puckering her mouth to the side in almost a disgusted sneer. [color=0072bc]"Treat 'em like rabid' animals. They wanna act like 'em, they better not be surprised when they get intimate with yer weapons. Usually, they ain't, too. 'S almos' like they expect it, 'er somethin'."[/color] She continued to make her face, before letting it fade slowly. " If'it helps," She glanced up to meet the woman's eyes,[color=0072bc] "Th'usually don't know shit b'sides that they gotta take shit. I don' e'en think they know [i]what[/i] a church is, let alone why they shouldn' fight in one. S'maybe, they're just... Stupid, 'n too fucked t'care?"[/color] She shrugged, before turning her eyes up to peek at the sky. [color=0072bc]"Yea'... Churches are great. One of em, down south an' closer to where I came from, e'en gave me clothes an' food. Th' big church guy- Father... Shit, I think 'e was Father Graeme- an'e'ways, 'e gave me the cloak off 'is back."[/color] She fell silent for a bit, before catching a snicker before it left her mouth, causing it to trip around in her soft palette. [color=0072bc]"Oh, Goddess, I remember when some'a 'is monks got in a tousle b'fore I left- he whomp'd their asses so hard-"[/color] She let another toothy smirk rip, laughing a bit quietly to herself at her memory. [color=0072bc]"Long story short- don' fuck w'church-folk. You'll get wrecked."[/color] Catching her attention sneaking back to her memories, she almost let it go- that is, until she was thanked. [color=0072bc]"Neh? Daah, it ain't anythin'. If e'ryone is aware, takin' stuff gets more fun- an', makes shitty thieves go away. Happened back home, an' look where I am now."[/color] She laughed at her own joke, bowing her head and raising a hand to cover her lips. [color=0072bc]"I'm Freya- Er, Freya Holton. Nice t'meet ya. But, yeah, naah, I get the armor thing. 'S like me an' m'knives an' cloak."[/color] She gave the lady a goofy breed of a shit-eating grin, trying her best not to laugh at the volume whiplash Invari gave. As she was about to speak, she noted a slow moving kid, hair white and everywhere, and as he grew closer, a pissy disposition. [color=0072bc]"Oh, damn," [/color]She breathed, getting off the stone and moving to look the kid over. [color=0072bc]"Oh, sweet shards, I found 'im,"[/color] She spoke with laughter in her voice, giddy to get rid of the heavy burden she was carrying on his behalf. [color=0072bc]"You're Youngest Brother, If'n I'm not mistakin',"[/color] She reached her hands behind and under her cloak, drawing out the process of handing over the package slightly. [color=0072bc]"This's fer you, from a few towns away."[/color] She handed the package over, stretching at the new lightness of being without the package, then stuck out her hand, expecting a tip. [color=0072bc]"I was told that this was pretty impor'int t'ya, so I kept it super, double, ultra safe. Didn't e'en get water on it, e'en though it was pretty hard to keep under m'cloak."[/color] Slightly curious as to what the package was, she peeked an eye at him, having shut her eyes and tilted her head as she bragged about her delivery skills. "I[color=0072bc] e'en got mugged, an' that thing made it through without any scratches."[/color]