Clary wasn’t surprised at the remarks she got when she chose Jackie and Adrian together, but what got her was that it went unacknowledged for a while. She thought of that as a good thing, hoping that none of the vampires she picked would know that it was a favor to Billie. Despite the fact that she was close to Logan, most of the vampires didn’t like her. [s]Namely Jackie.[/s] Her eyes fluttered over to Logan as she picked her last two and saw as Salazar and Drakon, who had been left for last, walked over to Cole’s team. All she could do was hope that Logan didn’t get too mad at her. He had asked her to stay away from him, which Clary had absolutely no problem doing, but she knew that Billie had something up her sleeve. She wanted to see it, as twisted as it was, and once they were told to line up, she looked to her left and saw Sally, the only other demon on her team, and one who actually kind of like her. “So, Clary, what’s up with the anarchy?” she asked, and Clary smiled. “Well, got to switch it up sometimes. One of these days we’ll get Billie and Alex separated though. Everyone always picks them together because they are a good team.” Clary smiled. “I would [i]love[/i] to see them go head to head.” Sally chuckled and shook her head. “No you don’t.” Sally said, and Clary raised a brow. “You weren’t hanging around us when they had their last big falling out. Needless to say, it wasn’t a good time for the demon group. We still had the vampires though, so we didn’t have to choose sides, if it were to happen now though, it’d be bad.” Clary shook that thought from her mind as the game began, and as she was going on her game, she saw the look on Billie’s face, and she moved, watching as the ball that Billie had launched hit Adrian, and once he hit the ground he began convulsing. Clary now wondered what she had done. Billie wasn’t ever kind to those who defied her order, as she had heard, but if this was how it was beginning, she knew one thing. It would get worse. She watched as Adrian finally managed to get off the floor and over to the bench, and Jackie was out too. They were down two people, but she saw Logan get Billie out and she laughed. “Good hit Lo!” She called to him. She then saw a ball heading her way and quickly caught it, looking to see who she could bring back in. She would have chosen Adrian, but he still looked in pain. “Jackie! Come on!” she called. - Cole wasn’t sure if she liked how this was going to go. She had noticed the small look exchanged between Clary and Billie before Clary had selected Adrian as a member of her team. Of course, she knew it was for the best; with as fickle as Billie’s aura was around him and with as dark as he was, it was best to keep him on the opposite side of the playing field. Still, the exchange set her on edge, and once the game began she saw why. Cole always hung back in these games, better at long range throws and catching than up close and personal. She watched what Billie did to Adrian, but once Billie was out too, something rang in Cole’s mind. Like a bell. She [i]needed[/i] to get Billie back in the game. That much was certain. - Billie felt the ball hit her after dodging Devin’s ball, and she saw it was Logan who got her out. A smirk came over her face as she shook her head and sat on the bench, not too far from Adrian, but not close enough to make it obvious that they were talking. “What the hell was that all about?” Adrian hissed, rubbing his chest and then rubbing his head that had hit the floor pretty hard when he began convulsing. Billie was silent and he actually turned his head to her, seeing something out of the corner of his eye that he didn’t like. Lucifer was here. That made things all the more difficult for him. Obviously Billie hadn’t noticed yet, but still he kept his head turned to her. “I warned you.” She spoke, quietly, taking the blood that was slowing coming from the tip of her finger and drawing a symbol on her other hand. “You disregarded me, so you must be shown what it means to defy me.” She turned her head to him, and she placed the hand she had drawn the symbol on to his temple, and she watched as he fell back to the ground from his seated position, watching as he began convulsing again. The convulsions, however, were much more violent, and they weren’t stopping, and she smirked. “You may have known me once upon a time, Adrian, but things change. [i]I[/i] changed.” She began, seeing Professor Long looking over, so she wiped a pathway through the blood and Adrian stopped convulsing, gasping for air after. He fixated Billie with a hard look, but before Billie could speak again Cole called out to her. “Billie! You’re back in!” she shouted. Billie got up, and when she did, she looked down to Adrian. “To be continued.” She commented, her eyes turning black when she did, the sadistic smirk that came over her face could have scared anyone who knew her, she was sure. When she got back in, Cole pulled her to the side. “Billie, you need to calm down.” She whispered to her, and Billie gave her a look, but when she did, her eyes returned to normal when she saw who was up in the bleachers. Lucifer? And Ash? That put her on edge, but it calmed her immediately seeing him. Lucifer knew how she could get and if it would have gotten out of hand he would have stepped in the middle of them, but now Billie was aware of his presence. She could still get her point across, just not in the way she had wanted to. “Alright, Cole.” Billie said, and she saw a ball heading their way and she levitated another ball near them to knock into it and it went through Clary, and Clary went over to the bench. “Stay by me, Cole, I’m a defensive player.” Salazar and Drakon soon found their way over too, and Cole nodded. “So are we.” Cole smiled, feeling Billie calming, slowly. She launched a ball and Billie saw it almost hit Sally and she looked impressed. “Me and you so need to work out together.” Billie chuckled. - Alex watched the play that Devin and Logan had pulled to get Billie out, but Alex briefly caught the look that his sister gave before he had to get back in the game. He turned to Jordyn, backing up a bit to stand beside her. “So, I have to be honest, I am not the greatest at defensive playing.” He admitted to her, picking up a ball and watching as it lit on fire as he threw it to the other side. Very few people tried to catch fire balls unless they were a fire elementalist or a mixed with dragon or something, so he always lit his balls on fire to try to keep himself from getting out with a ball being caught. He managed to dodge another ball before he got back into the game, a wicked smile on his face as his eyes blackened over, but he did see a few people on their team get out. It was then he noticed the nature of the game. Almost all of the demons were on one side and almost all of the vampires on the other. The blood feud was embodying itself in this game which made things a little more risky for him, and it made him watch after Jordyn a little more closely too. Though the vampires might not have known, it was still something he didn’t want to risk. His eyes went over to Billie when Cole called her back, and he watched her stay with Cole, and Alex cursed a bit. He and Billie were a better team together, but he would have to deal without her, and once Devin threw another ball heading towards Cole and Billie he saw Billie [s]at least presumably[/s] will another ball to ram it out of the way. It was going to be a crazy game that was for sure. He looked to Jordyn. “Wanna help me?” he asked, motioning over to Devin.