[center][u][b]The Year 1904[/b][/u] [b]World Tension[/b]: [i]27%[/i][/center] [indent] [b][color=red]Mille-Sessau Incites Border Tension against Etellia[/color][/b] (+3% World Tension, Targeted Nation grants CB against you). [b][color=red]Mille-Sessau Fabricates Claims on Etellia[/color][/b] (+5% World Tension) [b][color=red]Anvegad Allies with Sumaya[/color][/b] (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity) [b][color=red]Tarikhate of Serranthia Fabricates Claims on Usmyyae[/color][/b] (+5% World Tension) [b][color=red]Tarikhate of Serranthia Mobilizes Troops[/color][/b] (+3 World Tension) [b][color=red]Zellonia Declares War on Sumaya[/color][/b] (+12% World Tension) [b][color=red]Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War[/color][/b] (+12% World Tension) [b][color=red]Zellonia Incites Unrest in Kalpia[/color][/b] (+5% World Tension) [b][color=red]Imperial Restoration Begins Crisis in Soroyan Faresia[/color][/b] (+15% World Tension) [b][color=gray]Anvegad Denounces Zellonia[/color][/b] (-5% World Tension) [b][color=gray]Soroya Intervenes in Basai[/color][/b] (-10% World Tension) [b][color=gray]Xian Intervenes in Basai[/color][/b] (-10% World Tension) [b][color=gray]Xian Embargoes Yamarano[/color][/b] (-4% World Tension) [b][color=gray]Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Tramel[/color][/b] (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP) [b][color=gray]Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Salardia[/color][/b] (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP) [b][color=gray]Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Khernikovia[/color][/b] (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP) [b][color=gray]Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Sorena[/color][/b] (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP) [/indent] [center][[b]LINK FOR BIGGER MAP[/b]: http://i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X5vHJbI.png[/img] [i]The World, circa 1904[/i][/center] [hr] [center][u]MAY to AUGUST[/u][/center] [u]MAY[/u] [b]May 2nd[/b]: A major factory finishes construction in the Chatara province of the [b][color=lightblue]Kingdom of Aontas[/color][/b]. It begins hiring workers and expects to begin operations in the fall. [b]May 5th[/b]: [b][color=purple]Soroyan Colonial Crisis[/color][/b]: Recent Survaekom documentation suggests that both Faresian colonies of Soroya should belong, de jure, to the Xian Republic. There are even reports by Survaekom archivists that older Soroyan treaties with the Yong Dynasty may have stipulated that the territories be temporarily leased to the Varians, not annexed outright, and that these leases have expired. The Xian Republic is the clear lawful successor to the Yong Dynasty for the purposes of international law, and therefore it has an inviolable right to the return of one of these foreign-occpied territories in full, while the nation of Nakashisaki has a claim on the other. While Nakashisaki has requested the immediate return of the Soroyan territory, Xian's response is uncertain. [b]Soroyan Colonial Crisis[/b] ([i]1904[/i]) The Soroya's have two separate decisions to make: one regarding Soroyan Faresia based in Kedris and one regarding Soroyan Faresia based in Flulin. [indent][b]Fate of Soroyan Faresia[/b] ([i]Kedris[/i]) * [[b]Lease the Colonies Again[/b]]: We will pay the Nakashisaki government for another 100 years on the lease, enabling us to retain our colonial holdings. The Nakashisaki governments request $55,000,000,000 be paid for the lease to be renewed. * [[b]We Will Hold the Colonies at All Cost[/b]]: Paying for land that has belonged to Soroya for 100 years is ridiculous. If Nakashisaki wants the land, they can come and take it! Nakashisaki will not respond kindly. * [[b]Return the Colony[/b]]: The lease, being up, will be rightfully returned to Nakashisaki. This will prove to be a great blow to our prestige, but this will avoid both great financial cost and war. This will decrease tension in the world by 8%. [b]Fate of Soroyan Faesia[/b] ([i]Xian[/i]) * [[b]Negotiate with Xian[/b]]: The Xianese have not yet given their monetary offer to continue leasing the Flulin territory. Our delegates are currently en route to Beiqling to negotiate the terms of renewing the lease. * [[b]The Land Belongs to Us[/b]]: There will be no negotiations. The colony belongs to us, and ancient treaties have no authority over us. * [[b]Return the Land[/b]]: The Xian can forego the negotiations. We will return the land in exchange for a [b]Defensive Alliance[/b] with them, strengthening autonomy in Faresia and our political ties in the region.This will decrease tension in the world by 10%.[/indent] [b]May 9th[/b]: The [b]Winterhold Conference[/b] ends with the [b]Treaty of Winterhold[/b] ([i]1904[/i]). The stipulations are the following. [hider=Treaty of Winterhold] I. A state of peace will exist between the Empire of Zellonia and it's overseas territories and the Empire of Sumaya. II. A demilitarized zone will exist from Rappang in the east, to Holland in the west. No military units from either nation will be allowed to enter this zone for a period of 24 months. III. An investigative committee formed by selected members of the Kingdom of Soroya, Empire of Anvegad and Republic of Kalpia will be formed to discover the true origin of hostilities. IV. Sumaya's ancestral land claims on the island have been affirmed by the [i]Treaty of Celnear[/i] ([i]1872[/i]) and may be addressed at an unspecified date in the future.[/hider] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/G6aqf4T.png[/img] [i]Sarelian Archipelago, circa 1904[/i][/center] [b]May 9[/b]: The [b][color=red]Army of Mille-Sessau[/color][/b] conscripts 120,000 young men into military service, citing concerns over the security of its borders. However, without rifles to equip them with, the Army designates the hastily-trained soldiers as reservists. [b]May 15th[/b]: The [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b] finishes construction on a minor factory in the Emphyra province and is expected to be open next year. [b]May 19th[/b]: Erwin Osgood is killed while experimenting with his [i]Flyer[/i] in the [b][color=lightblue]Kingdom of Aontas[/color][/b]. [b]May 22nd[/b]: The [b][color=lavender]Tarikhate of Serranthia[/color][/b] colonizes the island of of [b]Kalafas[/b]. [b]May 25th[/b]: The [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b] finishes the [i]HNS Vulture[/i], a Pre-Dreadnought that was ordered in 1902. With war against the[b] [color=red]Yamarano Shogunate[/color][/b] and the [b][color=darkblue]Anvegad Empire[/color][/b] set upon the nation, several admirals have suggested seizing the vessel instead of letting it sail for Honnerian waters. [b]The Pre-Dreadnought Question[/b] [indent]* [[b]Seize the Vessel[/b]]: War is upon us and every ship is required, especially a pre-dreadnought. We built her, and she's ours. We will pay Honneria back for her purchase when we can. Honneria, however, may be upset. * [[b]Send Her to Honneria[/b]]: Honneria paid for her, and she is theirs. The ship must be sent on it's way.[/indent] [center][img]http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints-depot/ships/battleships-japan/ijn-katori-1915-battleship-2.gif[/img] [i]Finished Soroyan Pre-Dreadnought Blueprints, circa 1902[/i][/center] [hr] [u]JUNE[/u] [b]June 3rd[/b]: Three submarines laid down earlier in the year, the [i]Phila,[/i], [i]Suma[/i], and [i]Expat[/i] are finished by the [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b]. [b]June 7th[/b]: The [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b] finishes preliminary infrastructure efforts in colonizing the Mataku Islands and the first city is established there, the colonial capital of Tabu. [b]June 19th[/b]: An order of 1,000 Cruska Guns finishes it's production run in the [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b]. [b]June 24th[/b]: The [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b]'s delegation to Colonel Visguth walked the line, and it was exactly what he didn't want to hear. Being told simply what they knew he wanted to hear turned Visguth sour. He ordered the [i]Glorious Kalpia[/i] movement a farce, and denounced the Kalpian President as a boot licker to the [i]Sociatatem[/i]. In a plea to the [b]Kalpian Army[/b], Visguth asks for others to mutiny as well. He is arrested by the Kalpian authorities. [hr] [u]JULY[/u] [b]July 1st[/b]: A submarine laid down by the [b][color=lavender]Tarikhate of Serranthia[/color][/b] is finished and available for service. [b]July 4th[/b]: The military garrison of [b]Zotport, [color=gray]Kalpia[/color][/b] revolts. 800 men strong, they declare Zotport a free city. [b]July 7th[/b]: The [b]Zotport Mutiny[/b] is put down when the [b]7th Infantry Division[/b] of the [b][color=gray]Kalpian Army[/color][/b] enters Zotport. After a minor shootout, the Zotport Garrison surrenders. [b]July 7th[/b]: The [b][color=lavender]Tarikhate of Serranthia[/color][/b] begins a mass industrialization program, laying down railroads across it's nation, expected to be finished in early 1906. [b]July 18[/b]: The [b][color=red]Mille-Sessaun Army[/color][/b] unveils two new weapons before a crowd of international observers. Their new bolt-action rifle, the [i]Primaire Modele 04[/i], impressed all in attendance by performing better than last year's leading firearm, the [i]Deltoran Vulcaine Mark II[/i]. They also revealed Mille-Sessau's first production-ready machine-gun, the [i]Harkin[/i], which equally impressed the observers with a hereto unprecedented rate of fire. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/MG-Nest.jpg[/img] [i]Harkin Machine Gun being tested, Mille-Sessau, circa 1904[/i][/center] [hr] [u]AUGUST[/u] [b]August 1st[/b]: A historical claim on the [b]Usmayee Caliphate[/b] is discovered by the [b][color=lavender]Tarikhate of Serranthia[/color][/b]. [b]August 2nd[/b]: The [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] finishes a production run of 1,000 FT-19 machine guns. [b]August 3rd[/b]: Chief of the Army, General Vilskamp of the [b][color=gray]Kalpian Army[/color][/b] retires his post. The most illustrious general in the [b]Kalpian Army[/b], he has become disillusioned with Kalpian [i]New Age[/i] politics. [b]Replacing Vilskamp[/b] [indent]* [[b]Appoint General Hartmut Stüber[/b]]: At age 57, Stüber is a fierce modernist who believes a small, modern army will serve Kalpia's purpose better than a large one. He is a proponent of the [i]Sociatatem[/i] and an isolationist. (+15% National Unity) * [[b]Appoint General Reiner Engelhardt[/b]]: Age 70, Engelhardt is a professional and 40 year veteran in the Kalpian Army. He is pro [i]Imperial Restoration[/i] and believes that Kalpia must expand if she is to survive in the 20th century. (Receive 2 Free Random Army Tech Upgrade and 30,000 Professional Troops as free troops.) * [[b]Appoint Admiral Friedrich Schirmer[/b]]: Age 49, he is the current Admiral of the small and outdated Kalpian Navy. He is a pragmatist and cares less about politics and more about the nation. He wishes to see the navy expanded and upgraded. (Receive 3 Free Random Navy Tech Upgrades and 3 Free Random Ships Modernized.) [/indent] [b]August 5th[/b]: The [b][color=lavender]Tarikhate of Serranthia[/color][/b] mobilizes it's soldiers for war. [b]August 9th[/b]: Pressing for the claim in the Faresian coastlands, the [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b] declares war on the [b][color=darkblue]Empire of Anvegad[/color][/b]. This is a [i]Colonial War[/i] with the winner receiving the Southern Faresia Coast colony. [b]August 10th[/b]: The military garrison at Survaun, [b][color=gray]Kalpia[/color][/b] mutinies. They are 550 men strong. Stealing 50 FT-19 machine guns from the local armory, they turn the Survaun Garrison into a fortress and refuse to come out unless Colonel Visguth is released from prison. Anyone, civilian or military that approaches is ruthlessly gunned down by the mutinous Survaun garrison. [hr] [center][u]OOC NOTE[/u][/center] * All [i]Tech Rolls[/i] for [b][color=red]Mille-Sessau[/color][/b] are performed by [i]AspenIvan[/i] (player of Survaek). * All [i]Timeline Posts[/i] for [b][color=red]Mille-Sessau[/color][/b] are performed by [i]AspenIvan[/i] (player of Survaek). [b][u]OOC MECHANICS[/u][/b] -- [b]Appoint Commander[/b] (Cost $5,000,000,000): This will randomly generate a commander for your nation. That commander can then be assigned to a [b]Fleet[/b] or an [b]Army[/b]. They will be maintained in your dossier. (PLEASE NAME THE COMMANDER). [b][u]IN GAME CURRENCY[/u][/b] -- [s]Xian[/s] -- [s]Kalpia[/s] -- Survaek -- Sumaya -- Zellonia -- Vatanno -- [s]Aontas[/s] -- Deltora -- Anvegad -- Soroya