[hider=藤原 田村/Hera] [center][h1][color=4169E1]藤原 田村[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/jlQddlk.jpg[/IMG] [i]"L'état, c'est moi."[/i] -[b]Louis XIV[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=4169E1][u]Name:[/u][/color] 藤原 田村 - Fujiwara Tamura [color=4169E1][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Tamura [color=4169E1][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] March 26 [color=4169E1][u]Age:[/u][/color] 21 [color=4169E1][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Male [color=4169E1][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Asexual[hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=4169E1][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] In comparison to the average mortal man of his ethnicity, Tamura is significantly taller, standing at a height of 190cm, with the athletic and well-toned build that accompanies it. To be a demigod is to be an ideal that humanity strives for, and the handsome beauty that he possesses is certainly a goal worth the struggle: with his soft yet mature facial features representative of a youth transitioning into manhood; well-groomed hair of a darkness that even the night would envy, highlighted by the strands of blue that run down his locks; and intense brown eyes that seem to bore into your very soul. Indeed, with his touch of androgyny and muscles to die for, there are few mortal men that could challenge him in appearance, though the presence of his stylish, metallic glasses does do much to shift how he is perceived from "a emblem of masculinity" to somebody who is more "refined gentleman". Confidence exudes from his every step, for Tamura is a man who is utterly sure in himself, always holding his head high and keeping his posture dignified and formal, illustrating his noble nature. His eyes seem constantly appraising, watching and studying all those who stumble into his path. A wry smile is everpresent upon his handsome face, providing him a demeanor that is the very epitome of a just and kind ruler. He is a truly genteel man, and every aspect of his appearance, from the manner in which he moves (a restrained swagger) to the neat and tidy grooming his undertakes, seek to reinforce this trait. [color=4169E1][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Only the fanciest of garments for this truly [i]empressive[/i] figure, thank you very much. Tamura is a refined gentleman of the highest calibre, and his sense of fashion echoes this. A suit and tie is very much his jam, and no matter the cost nor the impracticality, he will be found strutting his stuff in clothes usually found either in the business world or amongst the true aristocracy. Such is the life of the nouveau-riche.[hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=4169E1][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Bovines [*]Felines [*]Nice suits [*]K-Dramas [*]Culinary activites [*]Dessert foods [*]The United Nations [*]Charitable groups [*]An orderly and just society[/list] [color=4169E1][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Hubristic figures [*]Divorce, though annulment is perfectly satisfactory [*]Adultery [*]Domestic violence [*]Those who question his authority [*]Tragic theatre [*]Aristotle [*]Epicurean Philosophy [*]Herakles[/list] [color=4169E1][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*]Baby-eating monster mothers [*]Diomedes [*]Being divorced[/list] [color=4169E1][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*]Hand gestures. [*]Quoting figures of authority and those he respects. [*]Adjusting his glasses[/list] [color=4169E1][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Intense ♦ Arrogant ♦ Charitable ♦ Just[/u][/center] While one may first assume that Tamura is an especially cogenial person from the manner in which he carries himself (and indeed, he is truly a man who provides kindness and assistance to those he believes deserves it), there is more to him than mere formal amicability. The fact of the matter is, the son of Hera is not simply just and charitable out of his own good nature, but rather due to a sense of duty to the world that the heavens have gifted upon to him. He unhesitatingly believes that he stands above all other humans, and his actions stem from his desire to become the ideal that all people seek to strive for, the one who will become leader of the world. It is, in essence, the concept of noblesse oblige distilled into the purest form, to become shining light of law and order that provides assistance, as well as setting an example, for all the mortal peoples of the world. Others may call this arrogance, and indeed it is, but he himself believes it to be wholely justified by his role on the Earth. It is with brimming intensity and energy, as reflected by his godly mother's connection to the idea of a vital, energetic force, that Tamura engages his day to day life. As a self-proclaimed man of the world, he is truly passionate about life and the laws and norms that govern it. His nuggets of strange wisdom and attempts at encouraging others derive themselves from his sense of what is just and fair; that is, his dedication to what is orderly and traditional. Yet despite his conservative outlook on what is right, he can be remarkably flashy, the force of his personality driving him into that which is exciting and stylish. It can be quite obvious at times, especially in the manner of his dress or his formal, elucidated speech. He cuts a dignified figure, but no restraint can hold in the bubbling energies that lie within. Though usually well in control of himself, there is a ruthless and angry streak to Tamura when he has been slighted, and much like his mother, may engage in retaliation that is somewhat disproprotionate to that which has earned his ire. It takes much to anger him, but when something does do so, he smolders. [color=4169E1][u]Background:[/u][/color] Originally just another Tokyo-born, arrogant Japanese kid who lived with his salaryman father (after a messy divorce that found his mother moving all the way to Kobe), Fujiwara Tamura's life was an incredibly simple one: do well in school, engage in social activities with acquaintances, and assist in making sure the bills were paid on time because of the lack of home time that his country's work culture provided his father. It was not a particularly enjoyable life, but he was content with it, willing to work hard to one day get into politics and change the world to fit his vision. Dramatic and seemingly unrealistic dreams for a prepubescent boy, but he had been determined to do so, doing everything he could to bring about a land where men could become like him, the superior being. Yet no matter how hard he worked, no matter what he did, it was a dream that seemed so utterly impossible. Then his dad got struck by lightning and got vaporised while heading home from work one day. As such, the then-twelve year old was forced to pack his bags and leave for Kobe to live with his mother. It was a pretty solid experience: nothing major really happened, his mum was a pretty cool person, and his cousins didn't really care about him at all. But that all changed when he was taken aside by his mum one day and told that no, she wasn't actually his real mother, and that he had already been around by the time she got married to his father (whose death made cremation a whole lot easier). Minutes later, his mum then introduced him to his real mum, a Greek woman going by the strange name of "June Regina" who was desperately attempting to look cool and hip by wearing sunglasses indoors and a suit. It made quite the impression on him, and when they were given some time alone, he was even further impressed. You see, his real mum turned out to be the goddess Hera, whose disguises needed a lot of work. And so, the adolescent Tamura found a chance to embrace his ... Greek heritage, frequently popping over across the massive body of water known to all as the Pacific Ocean to spend time with his divine mother and plot the humiliation of those who irked their sensibilities. In time, he soon became more integrated with the demigod life, and began to attend Olympus Academy, an entirely new arena for which he could spread the word of his glory. [color=4169E1][u]Extra:[/u][/color] Cloacina. [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=4169E1][u]Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Hera, Queen of the Gods and Goddess of Marriage [color=4169E1][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Tamura gets along quite well with Hera, though he considers her secondary to his stepmother in terms of amicability (truly a feather in his Japanese guardian's cap, for it is no mean feat to out-mother the daughter of the goddess of mothers, although on second thought, with the Olympian's track record, it is actually quite easy). They share common ideals and goals, seeking to ensure the stability of the human realm under an orderly and just government. While their communications with each other are limited, he does appreciate Hera's attempts at being a good mother to him, and in return he has vowed to assist her in "dealing" with whatever major has slighted her. [color=4169E1][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color] [b]L'état, c'est moi[/b] - Following a period of syncretism with her Roman counterpart, Juno, the goddess of marriage has also become a goddess of the state, and so her son Tamura has too inherited the powers and responsibilities that accompany such a title. The main roles of the state are to meet the needs of its citizens, maintain security and sovereignty, and to fulfil its national interests. And it is under these three categories that his main powers lie. They allow him to perform the following: [list][*]Aura of Comfort: Tamura constantly exudes an aura that keeps people at ease and soothes their woes. [*]Aura of Protection: When in the presence of this demigod, one will be protected from a modicum of physical and emotional harm. [*]Aura of Command: When Tamura speaks, you tend to listen.[/list] [b]Lawfully Wedded[/b] - He also possesses the ability to legally marry people to each other; whether it's an actual ability obtained from his mother or whether it's because he has a licence to do so is contentious, though his mother did help him sign up for the latter. [/hider]