Tapping her fingers on her steering wheel to the beat of the music, Roze glanced at her watch. If Hayden didn't hurry her butt up, they were going to be late. Currently parked in a motel parking lot, Roze was not-so-patiently waiting for her friend to hurry up whatever she was doing and to get back in the damn car. Admittedly, when the morning had arrived, Roze did not want to leave her bed. Now, this wasn't any luxury motel - so the room was less than substandard, with a lumpy mattress, cigarette smoke lingering on the walls, and a very likely chance that at least three murders had occurred in the very bed she had slept in. But she wasn't picky. Sleeping on anything was heaven after her recent stint in Hell. Shit. [i]Being alive[/i] was heaven. Sighing heavily and pressing her horn, Roze stared through the rearview mirror. [color=goldenrod]"What in the heck is she doing?"[/color] Roze muttered, turning her music up ever so slightly. Looking back at the mirror, she moved it till she was looking back at herself. She certainly looked different. For one thing, her scars were all gone. Including those awful vampire bites on her neck, the ones she'd been so damn self-conscious about - gone. On the other hand, as was her tattoo. That was a real bitch to have to get done again - it also meant she was $40 dollars down. But shit, it was better than being possessed. In addition to her changed look, there was some weird ass handprint on her shoulder. Presumably from the thing that had dragged her out of hell... which led to the reason she was itching to get on the road. The cryptic invitation had been shoved under their motel room door in the dead of night, and, as naturally comes with mysterious letters, the messenger was nowhere to be seen. If that wasn't weird enough, the writer of the letter gave a time, a place, and a good-ass reason to get her butt there: Information on who had plucked her from Hell. On any other occasion, Roze would avoid something like this like the plague, because it just screamed 'TRAP' at her. But this stuff was something she needed to know. And if she was just finding herself in debt to some other sadistic creature. [color=goldenrod]"This had better be worth my time."[/color] Roze murmured.