Naisha's heart was full of confusion at the moment, she didn't really know what to think while Alex was helping her eat. Lady Lulu offered her a way to continue to live and maybe be able to be helpful to those around her in some ways. Now that the eternal calm had began, the need for black mages had declined quite a lot, but there were still those who searched for their services. There were many applications for other areas besides combat. Nai didn't know if she will be able to learn magic, but it was at least something to cling to. [color=6ecff6] “I'm sorry Alex...”[/color] Naisha cried, she wanted to reach and hug Alex, but she couldn't really move right now. She had drained almost all her strength so she can reach and grab Lulu's hand earlier.[color=6ecff6]” I won't leave you! I promise, I won't be leaving you!”[/color] Nai continued to cry too.[color=6ecff6]” I won't ever start thinking like that again, I don't want to leave, I want to stay with you and my family and the others!”[/color] She quickly stated. [color=6ecff6] “I will never recover... I know that. It hurts to live like this, but I will not give up again! I will not leave you behind...”[/color] She said, making up her mind. From this point onward she was going to start eating again, she was going to begin some exercises so her body stabilizes a little.[color=6ecff6]” I will live, I will live for a long time to come! I will grow along with you and one day I shall be happily watch you settle up somewhere and form a family of your own!”[/color] Nai said, indicating she wasn't planning on dying well before both of them grow old and wrinkled.