(Hope 3 isn't too much) [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/2bff12ae5973e003d7bbc45e72eac21b/tumblr_nmcl63m20m1urx8dno10_500.png[/img] [b]Name[/b]: James (left) and Jordan (right) Stichler [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Males [b]Animal[/b]: Cats [b]Dorm[/b]: Boys #2 [b]Grade[/b]: 11th [b]Personality[/b]: Both are rather outgoing, and enjoy conversations. James is more cool-headed and calculated, while Jordan is hot-headed and energetic. They are protective of each other and friends. But they also like to have fun, even if it means making some "noise". [b]Talents[/b]: James - Cooking and Baking, tech savy, and sporty Jordan - Cooking and Baking, art, and sporty [b]Classes[/b]: James - Math, Science, Computer Apps, Cooking Jordan - Math, History, Visual Arts, Cooking [b]Clubs[/b]: James - Computer and Swimming Jordan - Art and Cooking [b]Sports[/b]: James - Swimming Jordan - Baseball [b]Crush[/b]: None [b]BF/GF[/b]: None [b]Other[/b]: Despite how they act, they are quite smart, and can manage their busy schedules quite well. The twins sit at a decently tall 6'1 [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6b/1b/68/6b1b689988fac6f1e26e2c152479b2bd.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Samantha Ferrum [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Animal[/b]: Fox [b]Dorm[/b]: Girls #3 [b]Grade[/b]: 10th [b]Personality[/b]: Curious. Shy, but not shy enough to run from conversation, she just won't start any. Samantha is also caring and energetic. [b]Talents[/b]: Drawing, Gymnastic, Sewing and knitting. [b]Classes[/b]: P.E., History, Apparel, Child Care and Development [b]Sport[/b]: Tennis [b]Crush[/b]: None [b]BF/GF[/b]: None [b]Other[/b]: Always concerned with looking nice. Sits at a comfortable 5'6