[indent][indent][indent] It felt like fire was radiating through her body, the pounding ache from the contact causing the Doctor to growl as she quickly pushed herself up. Blonde waves had fallen free of the simple braid, surrounding her battered and sweaty face as her green eyes narrowed in on the man who had attacked. But she barely had a second to lock eyes with the culprit before a bullet was sent through his skull, blood spraying the scene as he fell into a crumpled heap on the floor. Elmina watched him fall, her eyes locked on that bullet hole on his head, the dead eyes staring up to the sky. Elmina’s attention was quickly snatched however by the woman who had fired, her hand extending down. Elmina did not reach at first, if she was a survivor of this than it meant that she was considered too dangerous for earth, her offered hand was far from inviting. But Elmina reached up, placing her palm across the other and pulled herself up to her feet. Elmina reached for the other girl too, helping her steady herself. It was only then that the blonde reached her fingers to the newly inquired injury. Her skin, once previously unblemished and perfectly smooth was now a litter with cuts and bruises, her cheek bone busted from the power of her assailant’s fist. “Fucks sake!” She hissed as she looked to the blood on her fingertips, her English accent quite clear against amongst the American convicts. Elmina looked around at the wild terrain, before she looked back to the pack she had dropped and rushed forwards, snatching it back up on her arm. Turning to the two women who stood before her, and to the guns in their hands, Elmina sighed. “Come on, we need to get away from here” She said, about to lead them off into the forest. However, barely a step was taken when she heard a voice cry out, someone who sounded in genuine agony. Against her better judgement, she turned around to see a man almost fall out of the exit, cradling his stomach with pain etched across his face. She couldn’t ignore it, that medic’s heart causing her to turn around in aid, but not without cussing once under her breath. Placing her pack onto the floor, Elmina ran over and hoisted one of his arms about his shoulders, holding firmly onto his hand and wrapping the other around him. “All right” She said to him, helping down the large step from the break in the wall. She assisted him away from the smoking wreckage and towards a slight hill in the ground, lowering him down. Crouching down before him, Elmina peeled back the cloth he had crudely tied about his arm and to the gape in his flesh and suit. “The bag” She called over her shoulder and stuck out her hand, and it was quickly weighed down as the black pack had been placed in hand. She dragged it round to the side and pulled it open, and looked inside. “Where else hurts?” She asked him, though she was not looking at him. Her hand was rummaging around, searching for the basic kit she knew she had chucked inside. Pulling it out, she looked back to the dark haired male. “I’m going to need to take your arm out” She said to him, calmly as she helped him undo the front of his grey suit. With a steady and gentle glide, she eased his arm out of the sleeve, and quickly set to work. It was a task she had done numerous times before, but usually she was removing large pieces of metal from various limbs. Elmina had been the chief medic on many rebel attacks, a large number of UN and Prime members owing her their lives and health. However, she wasn’t working with a fully equipped theatre this time, and she would have to make do with whatever that emergency bay provided. So Elmina moved around him and sat a little higher than him, resting his arm across her knees as she took out the sterile bandages from the packets and folded them in half. “This will hurt” She said to him honestly. And then she pressed the folded bandages onto the site, applying pressure. With the elevated arm applied pressure, the flow of blood would soon stop. “You’re going to have to deal with some pretty crude stitches I’m afraid” She said to him, her spare hand once more rummaging around in the pack. The man still held an arm around himself, and Elmina paused and looked down to him, but then her eyes were distracted by the illuminated letters on his cuff, and the subject with which they spoke. But she refocused her attention back to the matter at hand, waiting till the blood stopped before she would clean and stitch the site closed. [/indent][/indent][/indent]