Georgia stared in disbelief as the woman helped the man. She never thought anyone in this place would've ever dared to help each other, even if there was no real threat between them. She slowly emerged from the shadows as she watched the group, her limp beginning as the adrenaline died down. She kept her hands down but her posture open and her fist unclenched. [i]Look friendly but not helpless.[/i] She didn't attempt to smile. Smiling when the world was burnin around you was too faux. Before coming into their view, Georgia stared at the greenery around her. She hadn't seen or been on this earth in over a hundred years, but it only felt like a few days. Yet, her lungs greedily sucked in the clean air of earth. She scanned the skyline, waiting for helicopters and armies to arrive. She hesitantly touched her feet to the ground, her boots snapping a twig, alerting her position to the others. She approached slow, but not too slow, and kept her palms in view. While she subconsciously trusted the woman working on the man, she was still wary of the others. She resisted staring at the gun. Staring at the gun might mean she would try to take it, so she studied their faces and ignored the glint on their wrist with words like [i]Murder[/i] and [i]Arson.[/i] Maybe they were wrongly convicted of their crimes like she was. Maybe they weren't. As she came closer, she cleared her dry throat. "Hey," she said in the most non-threatening way possible. The tension was thick in the air. "You guys friendly?"