[h1][center]The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1904[/center][/h1] [h1][center]Kalpian News[/center][/h1] The people is sad by the decision of the High Chief of the Army Vilskamp , his reasons are that the goverment and the president has become weak , most of cabinet of the current goverment has decided to apoint a new high chief to replace him, the decision was the General Reiner Engelhardt , and about the colonel Visguth he wont be liberated until he swears to no go againts the goverment again , after that he wont be in charge of any division but he will be a military advisor in the High Command of the army , this may be seen as a act to avoid any kind of conflict in the future but now the future is unknow , with the elections nobody knows which party will win as every one seems very active in order to get votes going as far as doing social service and parades. Another trouble news are that Etellia has made a conference with Kalpia in Mistburn calling for our protection againts Mille-Sessau recent mobilization of its army forces , the goverment has made clear that Kalpia will help Etellia as Kalpia will likely succed with its own problems very soon and for the moment Etellia is in true danger Kalpia will be ready to help its ally. [i]The new High Chief of the Army General Reiner Engelhardt[/i] [img]http://www.gwpda.org/photos/coppermine/albums/uploads/0255.jpg[/img]