Two people in particular could be seen approaching the Drunken Dragon. To anyone else, they both seemed like ordinary travelers. Both were wearning brown cloaks and as such didn't show much in appearances. But some long black hair can be seen coming out of their hoodies slightly. They didn't seem to mingle with the locals long before they entetered the said tavern. Both noted some dried blood on the ground. It seems this place already had an atmosphere of intensity and perhaps disorder. Then again, both knew this town wasn't fully in the grasp of Kaaos considering the lack of his men's presence here. But if there's anything they've learned about Kaaos is that no matter how remote of a location nor how harsh it's environment was, if he didn't control NEEDED to be controlled. It was just a shame how many were forced to most likely choose between "the sword or the knee" when it came to his rule. As well as the blood they had spilled just to stay well as to protect innocents...and for any who serve Kaaos...the man who wiped out their entire bloodline... Which brought up this little senario they were in. Both knew they were taking a risk with the mysterious letter they had received. Not only because they won't be protecting their new "remote" location they called home but if this was indeed a trap, then Kaaos was truly a man with a sick sense of humor. If he knew where they were, they would have already been dead or being attacked...but instead, it simply told them to come to this port town called Myrskyburg. To come to the tavern of the Drunken Dragon. And to tell the bartender the "password" so to speak. As they walked in, they spotted the bar immedately but took stock of their surroundings first to understand the environment they were in...