The small crowds of Myrkysburg were calm, no one stood out in the ocean of different races, each to their own activities. people going on with their daily boring lives, although some in this multitude of people, had come to this port, for a particularly intriguing event that would come to change the course of their lives from now on. In this crowd one particular person, or rather, one particular djinn is to be noted. Sark had come to these ports after receiving a letter from a noble in a gathering a while back. This mysterious letter had informed him to head to the Drunken dragon inn, and to head to the back room by saying a key sentence to the bartender. With this in mind, he entered a shaggy looking inn with a plaque saying "Drunken Dragon Inn" on the outside. Sark took a seat in a corner, and observed the bar from a distance, considering the situation. Half of him was curious as to what this implied, and just wanted to head in, but another half was suspicious, fearing the threat of a trap to catch rebells. Deciding to try a slightly more subtle approach, Sark got up and took a seat by the bar, asking for a glass of water. After drinking some, he turned to the bartender, waiting for him to not seem busy, and begun. " Tell me sir, for I am troubled.. These waters, they bring many things with the tides, but can they take thing away? can they as the tide goes, take my troubles away?" The old looking man turned to Sark with an expression of mixed confusion and amusement and gave a fairly simple reply. "Well, i'm not sure quite what you mean.. But, for a troubled mind, a good mug of beer is the best medicine" Seizing his opportunity, he hid a smile in his sandy skin and replied. "True.. but a beer can't let me start over, undo my mistakes.. it can't let me begin again" with that he went silent and waited.