[@Eklispe] "Damn you old man.." he muttered under his breath. He'd expected they'd do something to force him to use magic. He had to act quickly before he got impaled. Luckily he remembered a spell to make you run faster..chanting a few words the space below his feet started glowing and he started running faster, with a pace matching and slowly exceeding that of the drill. He chanted as he ran, keeing the spell active. In a matter of minutes he finished the rest of his laps and the drill slowly lurched to a stop. Breaking the spell he plopped down on the bench where he had his things, exhausted as hell both physically and mentally. He needed to rest, he didn't even have the energy to conjur up a potion to refresh himself, hopefully there wasn't a combat portion... "There..I ran..the entire thing...happy now, Coach?" He said inbetween breaths. In truth he knew the drill would do nothing in reality, but he still hated losing regardless. "Am..I..done here?"