[Center] [IMG]http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb20/KataraUchiha/Anime/Anime%20Guys/555945.jpg[/img] [Color=LightGreen] [H2] "I am a panther and I have no weakness!.....besides yarn.." [/h2] [/color] Name: Jerome Thompson Age: 17 Gender: Male Animal: Panther Dorm: Boys Grade: 11th Personality: Kind in his own way. Odd but loving personality with a tiny bit of seriousness. He's mainly all about fun and having a tough guy look. Since he's a panther he often puts on a tough guy persona. All and all he's a laid back feline who loves a ball of yarn now and then. Talents: He won't tell anyone but taking care of kids is his specialty besides that he's a pro when it comes to music. Running pretty fast and having stamina to back up his amazing speed. Classes: Math, P.E. , Music, and Computer Apps Club/sports: Music and Track & Field Crush: N/A BF/GF: N/A Other: He's 6'0" and has naturally red hair. He's some times referred to as Muscat due to his gift of easily composings or making music. [/center]