[b]Name:[/b] Autumn of Morseren [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Race:[/b] Dragon-stuck-in-humanoid-form [b]Class:[/b] Voyager, Chasseur [b]Appearance/Clothing:[/b] [i]Height:[/i] 5’4'' / 163 cm [i]Hair:[/i] Bright blonde, elegant and flowing, length to lower ribcage. [i]Eye:[/i] Blazing golden irises, give a stare distinguishably piercing. [i]Skin:[/i] Healthy and fair. Her hands, up to her forearm are smooth and firm, like blackened metal. [i]Body Type:[/i] Young in appearance. Delicate limbs, supple thighs, a notable bosom. Lizard-like frills where ears are supposed to be, long talons coloured ebony upon arms. [i]Voice:[/i] A confident, well mannered tone. Considerate and whimsical. [i]Clothing:[/i] A white-black, diagonal-half colour scheme halter dress with a short, scale-reminiscent skirt. Black, scale-reminiscent stockings alongside garter belt. Heels of bright gray. A soft-black belt wraps about her waist, holding some pockets and a pistol’s sheath. [i]Armour:[/i] Practically, none. Her scale-morphed attire and talons may deflect the occasional blow. [i]Weapons:[/i] Custom-trigger Pistol, a flintlock, one-shot muzzleloading smoothbore handgun with a barrel of [i]Aeternasteel Alloy[/i] and stock of [i]Necrospringwood[/i]. It’s accuracy isn’t too great or poor. Natural Claws. [b]Skills:[/b] Parkour, strong adequacy in close combat with many tools(provided they fit her claws). Reliable pistolier, able to hit targets at 88 yards and being capable of ten second reload. [b] Natural Abilities:[/b] Easily repairable, absorption of earthly material will restore bodily integrity. She’s not particularly resistant against physical injury, however. Additionally, high stamina allows for competency in most general feats. [i]Desert Embrace:[/i] The very sand seems to hold respect for Autumn, shifting and solidifying under her feet just so her mobility is greatly aided as opposed to hampered in grainy terrain. [i] Draconian Remnant:[/i] Long, black claws tip the digits of Autumn’s hands. They’re remarkably durable and quite sharp but otherwise not too special. Her claws are actually incredibly inconvenient at times, being 18 inches longest and 12 inches shortest. Complex hilt swords are none but impossible to use, common firearms are impractical due to trigger design and everyday tasks can be a challenge. [b]Significant Deficiencies:[/b] [i]Mana Curse[/i], after a certain amount of mystical energies is accumulated within Autumn through ally or enemy, she gradually petrifies. She cannot wield spells of most sorts, and attempts to assist her with magic by healing or buffing holds a massive risk of her temporal immobilisation. [b] Magic:[/b] Technically, Autumn is a geomancer, but practically, she cannot be considered a sorceress in most regards. [i] Dress Morph:[/i] The reason for the presence of scaley patterns upon Autumn’s clothing is due to their material; grains of sand that mimic the appearance and feeling of other material. She may alter her attire at will. [i] Vaporisation:[/i] Passive. Liquids seem to vanish quicker than ordinary in the presence of Autumn. Allies may find it annoying, or at the worst, life-threatening. [i] Ever Assimilated:[/i] An entirely benign alchemy spell, used to convert varying material into gunpowder, ammunition and the like. [b]History:[/b] Recently, the once dead dragon by the name of Autumn has been resurrected by necromancers of Morseren. She was one of the first draconians to be revived not as a dracolich, but a full-fleshed dragon. The necromancers had expected trouble, and came militarily prepared, but she did the completely unorthodox action. Autumn took the form of a humanoid female and chose diplomacy. To gain Morseren’s trust, and by extension the Confederacy of Mist’s own, she requested to be cursed and bound. Her unnatural impairment almost devoids her of everything she was, including a full draconian form and all her major offensive sorcery. To this day the dragon remains mystically restrained, and seeks to find peace among lesser species. Magically alchemised to be a guardian dragon of war and artificially recreated some centuries ago, Autumn was atypical of her kind. In the urgent time of Autumn’s conception, different methods had been conceived to bolster the relatively few ranks of draconians. The War of Earth and Heaven had turned against their favour, and the reincarnation of the Primordial Entities was sanctioned. Autumn was one of such powers, an entity mighty enough to be once titled Desert God. Once awakened, she was exasperated at the turmoils her kin brewed, but fought with them for years nonetheless. In the final days, she wept gravely, for her kind dwindled in numbers, until only herself remained. Autumn fought for a short while more, before succumbing to technology that completely defied her divine might. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] An undead soldier approached the Desert God in the waning days of the dragon war. He solemnly suggested to her escape was the only option. She responded through infuriated combat, and found herself stalemated. The era of draconians was over; many more inferior species could fight hand-to-claw against her kind. The soldier asked her to flee once more, but she told him she will remain, for she knew her kind’s hubris will cause them to fight until the very end and it would be the gravest dishonour to abandon them, what little left of them. The two acted as partners, for a brief few days, fighting as comrades-in-arms against enemy Coalition forces. There was once a couple of peaceful hours, and through whimsical conversation a name was gifted to the Desert God: Autumn, of the Eroding Sands. An ironic name befitting of the aspects she governed should she be considered a god, as well as an insult, given the interpretations. The Desert God accepted the name. It was on the final day where the undead soldier chose to stand by the her side that she commanded him to fall back, to fade into obscurity. He initially refused, but the dragon persisted in reasoning; she will never truly die, being a Primordial Entity, but his kind is much more susceptible to being lost forever. She truly appreciated his well-meaning intention, to salvage at least a remnant of her kind and to grace them with a chance for redemption, and so displayed affection humanity is known for. The soldier understood her actions, and left Autumn to her fate. She could not save those she held dearest, and she in the very least hopes to save her last ally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the height of her power, Autumn of the Eroding Sands very easily fulfilled the title of Desert God. Whole continents of earthly mass and entropy itself was at her disposal. Excellent equipment of prime quality; swords, shields, armour, siege engines would rust, corrode and simply fall apart in mere seconds. Legendary spells would be stopped by towering tidal waves of desert sand. Entire armies could be rendered obsolete by her presence. Part of the reasons as to why Autumn wasn’t invincible was due to the geography of the Archipelago of Fog, the ingenuity of its demonic and undead inhabitants alongside their absolute numbers. There was a dreadfully immobile material underneath the land her kin sought to reconquer, Aeternasphalt was its name. Hardness, ductility and flexibility varying tremendously, the material had one key feature; it did not react to magic. Aeternasphalt was extremely abundant, making up something past seventh-tenths of the whole archipelago in varying layers, which inconveniently obstructed many available deposits of earth Autumn could have manipulated. In the age of the dragon war, golem alchemy developed to an extent where magicians have been considered a waning force. While mages were often lost in single moments facing entities like the Desert God, golems could resist an eternal fight with them, being nearly immune to mystical offense. Such golems, with the arrival of magic defeating artillery contributed greatly to the loss of magic-reliant dragons, including Autumn in her vast power. Finally, in order to access her prime potential, Autumn had to take the form of a dragon. A 24 metres long, thickly scaled beast with 40 metres of wingspan. A being of such size could not hide anywhere, and the Desert God held little chance of rest for every local battle she partook in. Artillery platoons and alchemy squadrons took much satisfaction to eroding away her strength, as her mass allowed little the the way of missing. In addition, her enemies could effortless revive, remass and return as a threat ever-eternal. Autumn’s existence in that period was grand, but futile.